Special Collections refers to our library’s rare and often unique material. We care for and showcase a number of collections comprising antiquarian books, limited editions, fine prints, slides, maps, speeches, manuscripts, paraphernalia, and items of other historical and research value.
A selection of material has been digitised and can be accessed online. Other items can be searched through our online catalogue and may be viewed on request.
Pocket style sundial and compass belonging to Matthew Flinders. Photograph by Sam Roberts.
You can browse by subject area, search our online catalogue, or view a list of all collections.
To search from our online catalogue, go to Findit@Flinders. Enter one or more keywords in the search box, then use the filters on the right to limit results by selecting ‘Special Collections’ under the heading ‘Library’. You can also additional filters such as date and format.
Special Collections is located on Level 3 of Central Library, at our Bedford Park campus. Material can be viewed in the Special Collections reading room, subject to conditions of access. Flinders staff and students are also able to book the Digitisation Lab to view material.
Researchers from other Australian institutions seeking remote access to items from our Special Collections are recommended to place an InterLibrary Loan/ Document Delivery request through their own university library.
The following conditions apply to all users of Flinders Library Special Collections; some individual collections may have additional conditions placed by the donor and listed on the individual collection webpage.
Special Collections material is available for use by students and staff of the University. The Library reserves the right to keep records of usage of the Collections and to request visitors to present identification
The mode and location of access to Special Collections material will be determined by the Library
Appointments will be granted subject to patron acknowledgement and acceptance of the Library Code of Conduct.
While handling Special Collections material, users must adhere to conditions as advised by Library staff; this may include but not be limited to no eating or drinking; keeping devices on silent; and no large bags or coats
All Special Collections material must be handled with care. This includes the careful turning of pages from the top right hand corner, the use of cushion and stand supports where necessary, maintaining clean dry hands or wearing cotton gloves if directed, only using pencils for notetaking, only using acid free card for page marking, maintaining original order of items, not marking pages, not leaning or placing pressure on items, not using sticky notes or adhesives
Fragile or manuscript material is available for consultation at the discretion of the Library. Particular care must be taken with this material, and if necessary, protective gloves will be provided. The condition of the material is to be checked before and after use
Photocopying, scanning and photography is to be permitted at the discretion of the Library, taking into account the condition of the material and copyright laws
Publication and public distribution (including posting online) of copies made from Special Collections material is not permitted without first consulting the Library, who may direct the patron to obtain copyright permission and provide specific acknowledgement of Flinders University Library.
Submit an online enquiry about Special Collections
or request an appointment.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
Ph: 1300 354 633 (Select 3)
Email: library@flinders.edu.au
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097
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