Dr Colin Sharp is a teacher and a consultant with over 30 years of experience. He was Associate Professor of Management at Flinders University from 1991 to 2004, including the role of Deputy Director of the Flinders Institute of Public Policy & Management. He facilitated many masters courses and supervised several PhDs and DBAs.
He holds a BA with first class Honours in Psychology from Flinders University (1974) and a PhD in Clinical Neuro-Psychology from the University of Melbourne (1980). Dr Sharp gained over eight years of management experience in the Commonwealth and SA public sector and several years in governance roles in not-for-profit organisations. He produced over 60 publications, including booklets, book chapters and conference papers on topics such as organisational capacity building, organisational learning, strategic management and strategic evaluation.
Dr Sharp was a Foundation Chair of the Committee for Ethics and Standards in Evaluation, Editor of the Evaluation Journal of Australasia, and President of the Australasian Evaluation Society (AES). His contribution to program evaluation was recognised by receiving the ET&S Award in 1993 (the highest honour from the AES), and given the title of Fellow of the AES in 2003.
Dr Sharp managed P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L. (Research & Evaluation) Consultancy from 1986 to 2016, applying a variety of strategic management, performance measurement and evaluation tools and methods; providing mentorship to managers and directors. He was also the Program Director of the Master of Business Administration at the UniSA Business School from October 2015 to December 2016.
The Dr Colin Sharp and Australasian Evaluation Society Collection was donated to Flinders University by Dr Colin Sharp in 2004-2005.
The collection comprises of 22 archival boxes containing correspondence, reports, minutes and publications, ranging in date from 1961 to 2005.
Go to the Colin Sharp Collection in findit@flinders. (Add additional search terms in the search box to search within the collection)
Further information is available at the Society's website.
Further materials were donated to this Collection by Dr Colin Sharp in August 2017 and are yet to be catalogued. For more information, please contact Special Collections.
General conditions of access apply.
Correspondence, notes, forms, circulars
Box 1 Number 1
Liaison: Evaluation: In-service training in evaluation and program planning
Correspondence, notes, circulars
Box 1 Number 2
FMIP (Financial Management Improvement Program)
Correspondence, notes, journal articles, reports
Box 1 Number 3
E.T. & S. Work (Evaluation Training and Services Australia)
Correspondence, circulars, Bibliography
Box 1 Number 4
PIT Evaluation Course (Phillip Institute of Technology)
Course material
Box 1 Number 5
Programme Evaluation Volume 1: Research
Reports, circulars, bibliographies
Box 1 Number 6
Programme Evaluation Volume 2: Research and Teaching
Box 1 Number 7
Self-evaluation of services: Phillip Law Lecture / Brinkerhoff, Robert
Lecture material, notes, programs
Box 1 Number 8
Fishbowl of Human Services
Box 1 Number 9
Miscellaneous conferences
Circulars, bibliography
Box 1 Number 10
American Evaluation Association: Guiding Principles for Evaluators
Correspondence, documents
Box 1 Number 11
Committee on Ethics and Standards in Evaluation
Reports, notes, bulletins
Box 1 Number 12
Australian Evaluation Society: Miscellaneous
Bulletins, newsletters, circulars
Box 1 Number 13
Australian Evaluation Society: Interim Code of Ethics
Documents, circulars
Box 1 Number 14
Miscellaneous government documents
Documents, correspondence
Box 1 Number 15
Ethics Workshop - NEC 1993
Survey forms completed, material from workshop
Box 1 Number 16
Flinders Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management: Internal Audit and Program Evaluation
Course prospectus
Box 2 Number 17
Ethical Standards of the American Educational Research Association
1992 23-26
Box 2 Number 18
Citation; Educational Researcher, October 1992, 23-26.
Committee on Ethics and Standards in Evaluation: Teleconference 14/11/1994
Correspondence, notes
Box 2 Number 19
Evaluation of South Australian Sobering-Up Services
(3rd National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, 1986) / Duguid, Andrew; Hans Wijgh
1986 11 p
Box 2 Number 20
Citation; 3rd National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, 1986
Training kit on evaluation concepts and methods, developed by and for rehabilitation staff, A
(3rd National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, 1986) / Sharp, Colin A.; Jerome Winston; Ranjit Bhagwandas
1986 13 p
Box 2 Number 21
Citation; 3rd National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, 1986
Ethics and standards in evaluation
(National Evaluation Conference, Adelaide, October 2nd, 1991) / Sharp, Colin A.
1991 15 p
Box 2 Number 22
Citation; National Evaluation Conference, Adelaide, October 2nd, 1991
Managers Beware: ethics and standards in evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.
1993 16 p
Box 2 Number 23
International report: accountability and ethics
(RIPAA National News, December 1994)
1994 pp 6-9
Box 2 Number 24
Citation; RIPAA National News, December 1994, 6-9.
'Best Practice' in the NT Public Sector: address delivered by David Hawkes, Commissioner for Public Employment
(Best Practice Week Public Sector Seminar, Tuesday 12 April 1994) / Hawkes, David
1994 5 p
Box 2 Number 25
Citation; Best Practice Week Public Sector Seminar, Tuesday 12 April 1994
Appropriateness in audit and evaluation: 'It all depends, Minister!'
(Accounting, Finance and Management Research Paper 3/93) / Sharp, Colin A.; Bet H. Roffey; Neil R. Lewis
Box 2 Number 26
Citation; Accounting, Finance and Management Research Paper 3/93
Program evaluation standards, The (2nd edition), Quality standards in evaluation
(Evaluation News & Comment (no issue details)) / Caulley, Darrel N.; Department of Finance
undated pp 42-53
Box 2 Number 27
Citation; Evaluation News & Comment (no issue details), 42-53.
Benchmarking: pros and cons for evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.
1994 16 p
Draft work in progress paper
Box 2 Number 28
Training kit on evaluation concepts and methods, developed by and for rehabilitation staff, A
(3rd National Evaluation Conference, Sydney 1986) / Sharp, Colin A.; Jerome Winston; Ranjit Bhagwandas
1986 15 p
Box 2 Number 29
Citation; 3rd National Evaluation Conference, Sydney 1986
Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs
Correspondence, terms of reference
Box 2 Number 30
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, The
Documents, reports, notes, manual for Community Health Accreditation and Standards Program
Box 2 Number 31
* Evaluation and accountability
(Managing Human Service Organisations) / Donovan, F.; Alun C. Jackson
Prentice Hall, 1991 pp176-207
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Managing Human Service Organisations, Prentice Hall, 1991, 176-207.
* Evaluation Research
(Research Methods in Social Relations) / Kidder, L. H. et al.
Holt-Saunders, 1981 pp82-100
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Research Methods in Social Relations, ed. Selltiz, Wrightman & Cook, Holt-Saunders, 1981, 82-100.
* Goal attainment scaling
(Evaluation of Human Services) / Kiresuk, T. J. L.; H. Sander
Academic Press, New York, 1978 pp341-370
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation of Human Services, ed. C. C. H. Attkisson, William A; Horowitz, Mardi J & Sorensen, James E., New York: Academic Press, 1978, 341-370.
* Evaluating Human Service Programs
(Management of Human Service Programs) / Lewis, J. A.; Michael D. Lewis; F. Souflee Jr.
Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, 1991 pp232-268
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Management of Human Service Programs, 2nd ed., Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1991, 232-268.
* Evaluating Women's Services
(Women Working Together, Lessons from Feminist Women's Services) / Montague, M.; Gai Wilson; Maria Wright
Longman Cheshire, 1994 pp 172-191
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Women Working Together, Lessons from Feminist Women's Services, ed. W. Weeks, Longman Cheshire, 1994, 172-191
* Politics and Evaluation
(The Politics of Program Evaluation) / Palumbo, D. J.
SAGE Publications, Newbury Park, 1987 pp12-46
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; The Politics of Program Evaluation, Newbury: Sage, 1987, 12-46.
* Introduction to Evaluation
(Systematic Evaluation: A Self-Instructional Guide to Theory and Practice) / Stufflebeam, D. L., Anthony J. Shinkfield
Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, Boston, 1985 pp 1-44
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Systematic Evaluation: A Self-Instructional Guide to Theory and Practice, Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1985, 1-44.
* Measuring New Dimensions Through Quality of Life - The Personal Equation
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Brown, R. I.
Vol. 7 No. 1 14-22
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 7(1), 1995, 14-22.
* Benchmarking or the search for industry best-practice: A survey of the Western Australian Public Sector
(Australian Journal of Public Administration) / Frost, A. F.; Amanda Pringle
Vol. 52 No. 1 pp1-11
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Australian Journal of Public Administration, 52(1), 1993, 1-11.
* Review of: Scriven, Michael (1993) Hard-won Lessons in Program Evaluation: New Directions for Program Evaluation, No.58
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Funnell, S.
Vol. 7 No. 1 50-55
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 7(1), 1995, 50-55
* Management by measurement: organizational dilemmas and opportunities
(Administration in Social Work) / Grasso, A. J.; Irwin Epstein
Vol. 11 89-100
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 11, 1988, 89-100.
* Flowchart for evaluation of human services, A
(Australian Social Work) / Martin, E. M.
Vol. 35 No. 2 23-31
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Australian Social Work, 35(2), June 1982, 23-31.
* Consumer evaluation of human services
(Social Policy & Administration) / Martin, E. M.
Vol. 20 No. 3 185-200
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Social Policy & Administration, 20(3), Autumn 1986, 185-200.
SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
(AES History Archive) / Martin, E. M.
Box 2 Number 32
* Performance Appraisal of Professional Social Workers
(Administration in Social Work) / Millar, K. I.
Vol. 14 No. 1 65-85
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 14(1), 1990, 65-85.
* Queries and complaints: The maintenance of ethically justifiable standards of conduct
(Australian Social Work) / Murray, H.; Phillip Swain
Vol. 52 No. 1 pp9-16
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Australian Social Work, 52(1), 1999, 9-16.
* Decision Rules in Program Evaluation
(Evaluation Review) / Ross, J. A.
Vol. 4 No. 1 59-74
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation Review, 4(1), 1980, 59-74.
* Risk, Rights and Responsibilities in Evaluation
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Scriven, M.; Jane Kramer
Vol. 6 No. 2 pp3-16
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 6(2), 1994, 3-16.
* What is Appropriate Evaluation? Ethics and Standards in Evaluation
(Evaluation News & Comment) / Sharp, C. A.
1994 December
Vol. 3 No. 2 34-41
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation News & Comment, 3(2), 1994, 34-41.
* Update of Program Evaluation: South Australia
(Evaluation News & Comment) / Sharp, C. A.
Vol. 4 No. 1 18-22
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation News & Comment, 4(1), 1995, 18-22.
* Uniqueness of the Australian Service Quality Experience, The
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Trosa, S.
Vol. 6 No. 2 17-34
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 6(2), 1994, 17-34.
* Trends in Program Evaluation: Guest Editors' Introduction
(Australian Journal of Public Administration) / Uhr, H. J.; Keith Mackay
Vol. 51 No. 4 433-435
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Australian Journal of Public Administration, 51(4), 1992, 433-435.
* Social Options Australia 'Part 4: Methods of Measuring Customer Satisfaction
(Pursuing Customer Satisfaction in the Human Services) / -
1997 32-46
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Pursuing Customer Satisfaction in the Human Services, 1997, 32-46.
* Appropriateness in audit and evaluation: 'It all depends, Minister!' / Sharp, C. A.; Bet H. Roffey; Neil R. Lewis
In SOAD9037: Management of Change and Evaluation in Human Services: Readings on Evaluation
Box 2 Number 32
Citation; Adelaide: School of Accounting, Finance & Management, Flinders University of South Australia, 1993.
NZ Evaluation 'History' - Lunt & Trotman, 2004
(Includes notes) / Lunt, Neil T.; Ian G. Trotman
2004 45 pp
Box 2 Number 33
Current developments in performance information / Bartos, Stephen
RIPAA, Adelaide, 1994 11+ pp.
Box 2 Number 34
Citation; Professional Day, RIPAA National Conference, Adelaide, November 26, 1994
Use of Evaluation in the 1994-1995 Budget / Robertson, Irene; John Nicholson
Dept. of Finance, Canberra, 1994
Internal Report
Box 2 Number 35
Citation; Canberra: Department of Finance, 1994.
Industry Best-Practice Benchmarking in the Evaluation Context
(Evaluation News & Comment) / Sharp, Colin A.
Vol. 3 No. 1 pp 27-33
Box 2 Number 36
Citation; Evaluation News & Comment, 3(1), 1994, 27-33.
Towards Improved Financial Management in the Public Sector
(National Government Accounting Convention, Canberra, 21-24 February 1980)
1980 21 pp
Box 2 Number 37
Citation; National Government Accounting Convention, Canberra, 21-24 February 1980.
Quality for our Clients: Improvement for the Future / Interdepartmental Service Quality Working Group
Dept. of Finance, Canberra, 1995 74 pp
Box 2 Number 38
Proposal for Certificate and Graduate Certificate in Internal Audity and Performance Evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.
1994 12 pp
Box 2 Number 39
Trends in Public Sector Financial Management: A Briefing for Senior Managers and Decision Makers / Dept. of Finance
Dept. of Finance, Canberra, 1994
Based on a seminar held at Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, 14 July 1994
Box 2 Number 40
Evaluation report: Corrective Services Links to Outcomes / Lake, Jo
NZ Dept. of Justice, Wellington, 1994 30 pp
Also includes paper 'The Most Critical Strategic Issue Currently Facing the Department of Justice'
Box 2 Number 41
History of Evaluation in Australasia Project, The: Proposal presented by Ian G. Trotman to AES, February 1994 / Trotman, Ian G.
2004 2 pp
Box 2 Number 42
Building a Better Public Service: a joint publication of the Management Advisory Board and its Management Improvement Advisory Committee
(No. 12 in the MAB-MIAC Publication Series) / Management Advisory Board
AGPS, Canberra, 1993
Vol. 12 24 pp
Box 2 Number 43
Citation; No. 12 in the MAB-MIAC Publication Series, Canberra: AGPS, 1993.
Guidelines for the Ethical Conduct of Evaluations / Australasian Evaluation Society
Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra, 1998 8 pp
Box 2 Number 44
Citation; Canberra: Australasian Evaluation Society, 1998.
'Managing Cutbacks in Government: Surviving Tough Times' and 'When does an Audit become an Evaluation?'
Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia (ACT), Canberra, 1993
ISSN/ISBN 0811-6318
Vol. 73 No. September 175 pp
Box 3 Number 45
Citation; Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration, 73, September 1993. Canberra: Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia, 1993.
Best Practice Case Studies in the Public Sector
(Stan Naylor, Colin Clark) / Public Sector Accountants Committee, Victorian Division
Australian Society of CPAs, Melbourne, 1997 108 pp
Box 3 Number 46
Evaluation (Chapter 10)
(In Australian Public Sector Management) / Corbett, David
Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1996
ISSN/ISBN 1864481609 180-195
Box 3 Number 47
Citation; Australian Public Sector Management, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1996, 180-195.
Is there a distinctive Australasian evaluation tradition?
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Wilson, J. D.
Vol. 9 No. 1 & 2 pp3-4
Box 3 Number 48
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 9(1-2), 1998, 3-4.
Historical Development of the Field of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand for the Australasian Evaluation Society / Sharp, Colin A.
Drafts with correspondence
Box 3 Number 49
Skills of Evaluation, The, Vol. 1 / Armstrong, Anona F. (ed.)
Melbourne, University of Melbourne, 1986
ISSN/ISBN 0868394092 203 pp
Box 3 Number 50
Citation; Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 1986.
Skills of Evaluation, The, Vol. 2 / Armstrong, Anona F. (ed.)
Melbourne, University of Melbourne, 1986
ISSN/ISBN 0868394093 205-391 pp
Box 3 Number 51
Citation; Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 1986.
Australian Public Sector Management / Corbett, David
Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1992
ISSN/ISBN 1863733124 280 pp
Photocopy of contents pages of 2nd ed. enclosed
Box 3 Number 52
Citation; Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1992.
Not Dollars Alone: Review of the Financial Management Improvement Program / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration
AGPS, Canberra, 1990
ISSN/ISBN 0644131969 149 pp
Box 3 Number 53
Citation; Canberra: AGPS, 1990.
Australian Public Service Reformed, The: An Evaluation of a Decade of Management Reform / Task Force on Management Improvement
AGPS, Canberra, 1992
ISSN/ISBN 064428837X 624 pp
Box 3 Number 54
Citation; Canberra: AGPS, 1992.
Corporate Management Manual (Draft) / Qld Dept of Primary Industries
Brisbane, 1995
Box 4 Number 55
Citation; Brisbane, 1995.
New Audit Legislation: Better by Nature (Workshop 1: Discussion Notes) / Kennedy, Maurie
Includes Summaries and Readers' Notes of legislation - Workshop, 14/7/1994, Canberra
Box 4 Number 56
Commonwealth Department of Finance Pamphlet Series / Dept. of Finance
Dept. of Finance, Canberra, 1992 6 leaflets
'This Pamphlet is one of a series aimed at increasing information available to APS management and staff on key resource management issues.
Box 4 Number 57
Citation; Canberra: Dept. of Finance, 1992.
Public Sector Reform
1972, 1976, 2002
ISSN/ISBN 0313 6647
Reports, book chapters, Aust. J. of Public Admin. Vol. 61(1), March 2002
Box 4 Number 58
AES Ethics - 11R Ethics 1994
Drafts, journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, documents
Box 4 Number 59
Thinking Outside the Square: Three Case Study Evaluations for the Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference (Auckland, September 2003) / NZ Ministry of Education
NZ Ministry of Education, Wellington, 2003
Box 4 Number 60
Citation; Wellington: NZ Ministry of Education, 2003.
Review of the Evaluation Function in DEET / Crossfield, Len; Anne Byrne
DEET, Dept. of Finance, Canberra, 1994
ISSN/ISBN 0644352213
Includes handwritten notes
Box 4 Number 61
Citation; Canberra: DEET, Dept. of Finance, 1994.
Email correspondence regarding Evaluation History and Standards / Sharp, Colin; Neil Lunt; Ian Trotman et al
Correspondence, drafts
Box 4 Number 62
Historical Development of the Field of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand for the Australasian Evaluation Society / Sharp, Colin A.
Drafts with correspondence
Box 4 Number 63
Service Quality Initiatives in OECD member countries: Background paper
(Prepared by David Shand) / OECD Public Management Service
OECD, Paris, 1994 27 pp
Box 4 Number 64
Citation; Prepared by David Shand, Paris: OECD, 1994.
Service Quality Initiatives in OECD member countries: Achieving accountability for service quality: mechanisms for external review and quality assurance / Aitken, Judith
OECD, Paris, 1994 17 pp
Box 4 Number 65
Citation; Paris: OECD, 1994.
Service Quality Initiatives in OECD member countries: Agenda / OECD Public Management Service
OECD, Paris, 1994 7 pp
Symposium to be held at OECD, Paris, 7-8 November 1994
Box 4 Number 66
Citation; Paris: OECD, 1994.
NGO's Facing Tomorrow: A Source Book of Ideas and Resources for Non-Government Organisations / Clohesy, Michael; Lindsey Napier
ACOSS, Sydney, 1981
ISSN/ISBN 0858711443 168 pp
Box 5 Number 67
Citation; Sydney: ACOSS, 1981.
Through a Glass, Darkly: Evaluation in Australian Health and Welfare Services
(2 vols.) / Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare
AGPS, Canberra, 1979
ISSN/ISBN 0642044015
Baume Report
Box 5 Number 68
Citation; 2 vols., Canberra: AGPS, 1979.
Appropriateness in Audit and Evaluation: 'It all depends, minister!' / Sharp, Colin A.; Bet H. Roffey; Neil R. Lewis
Flinders University, Adelaide, 1993 33 + appendices
Accounting, Finance and Management Research Paper 3/93
Box 5 Number 69
Citation; Adelaide: Flinders University, 1993.
Australasian Evaluation Society - International Conference 1992, Program & Information, plus AES Code of Ethics / AES
AES, Canberra, 1992, 2000
Box 5 Number 70
Citation; Canberra: AES, 1992, 2000.
Historical Development of the Field of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand for the Australasian Evaluation Society / Sharp, Colin A.
2 drafts 10/8/2003
Box 5 Number 71
Historical Development of the Field of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand for the Australasian Evaluation Society / Sharp, Colin A.
Drafts with correspondence, notes, floppy disk
Box 5 Number 72
How 'The Government Performance and Results Act' Borrows from the Experience of OECD Countries
(New Ideas, Better Government: The Fulbright Symposium on Public Sector Reform) / Breul, Jonathan D.
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1994 12 pp
Box 5 Number 73
Citation; New Ideas, Better Government: The Fulbright Symposium on Public Sector Reform, Brisbane: Griffith University, 1994.
AES International Evaluation Conference, Auckland
(Organisational Governance and D.E.S.E.R.T.)
Correspondence, workshop papers
Box 5 Number 74
Evaluation and the Social Worker's Role
(Social Security Quarterly) / Lush, Faye
Vol. 5 No. 2 pp 18-22
Box 5 Number 75
Citation; Social Security Quarterly, 5(2), 1978-1979, 18-22.
Evaluation of outcome and process
(Social Work) / Chommie, Peter W. ; Joe Hudson
1974 No. November 1974 pp 682-687
Box 5 Number 76
Citation; Social Work, November 1974, 682-687.
Papers on History of Evaluation in New Zealand / Donnell, Anne; Neil Lunt; David Turner; Sally Walsh
Draft documents
Box 5 Number 77
Interim History of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand and the Australasian Evaluation Society
(AES History Archive) / Sharp, C. A.; Ann Lindsay
1992 pp 50
Draft 30/6/92
Box 5 Number 78
Code of Ethics - Circular, questionnaire / Sharp, Colin A.
Circular, questionnaire, draft code of ethics
Box 5 Number 79
Health Services Evaluation Seminar, Adelaide, September 13-15, 1978 / Southby, Richard F.
University of Sydney, Sydney, 1978
Correspondence, Discussion paper, conference documents
Box 5 Number 80
Bibliographies - untitled, partial
Box 5 Number 81
Evaluation Workshop, YWCA, 24 April 1979 / SACOSS
SACOSS, Adelaide, 1979
Program, notes
Box 5 Number 82
Citation; Adelaide: SACOSS, 1979.
Voluntary Agencies in Four Welfare States
(Administration in Social Work) / Kramer, R. M.
Vol. 3 No. (4, Winter) 397-407
Box 6 Number 83
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 3(4), Winter 1979, 397-407.
Politics of Social Administration, The
(Administration in Social Work) / Perlmutter, F. D.
Vol. 9 No. (4, Winter) pp1-11
Box 6 Number 84
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 9(4), Winter 1985, 1-11.
Limits and Shortcomings of Humanistic Organization Theory, The
(Acta Sociologica) / Alvesson, M.
Vol. 25 No. 2 117-131
Box 6 Number 85
Citation; Acta Sociologica, 25(2), 1982, 117-131.
Voluntary Sector and For-Profit Ventures: The Transformation of American Social Welfare?, The
(Administration in Social Work) / Perlmutter, F .D. A.; Caroline Teich
Vol. 14 No. 1 pp1-13
Box 6 Number 86
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 14(1), 1990, 1-13.
Using Business Marketing Concepts to View the Private, Non-Profit, Social Service Agency
(Administration in Social Work) / Holmes, J. R.; Glen Riecken
Vol. 4 No. (3, Fall) 43-52
Box 6 Number 87
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 4(3), Fall 1980.
Human Service Corporations: New Opportunities for Administration in Social Work
(Administration in Social Work) / Stoesz, D.
Vol. 13 No. 3/4/2005 pp 183-197
Box 6 Number 88
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 13(3), 1989, 183-197.
Ethics and the Private Non-Profit Human Service Organisations
(Administration in Social Work) / Lewis, H.
Vol. 13 No. 2 pp1-13
Box 6 Number 89
Citation; Administration in Social Work 13(2), 1989, 1-13.
Non-profit Organizations, Government and the Welfare State
(Political Science Quarterly) / Lipsky, M. S.; Steven Rathgeb Smith
Vol. 104 No. 4 625-640
Box 6 Number 90
Citation; Political Science Quarterly, 104(4), 1989-1990, 625-640.
Review of: Douglas, R.M. (1978) The Evaluation of Primary Health and Medical Care in Adelaide, University of Adelaide
(Community Health Studies) / Najman, J. M.
Vol. 3 No. 2 111-112
Box 6 Number 91
Citation; Community Health Studies, 3(2), 1979, 111-112.
Literature Review: The Efficiency and Performance Assessment Debate
(British Journal of Social Work) / Whittington, C.
Vol. 18 No. 2, April 201-212
New Management techniques in higher education institutions. Fears that performance assessment will be used to justify staff cuts.
Box 6 Number 92
Citation; British Journal of Social Work, 18(2), April 1988, 201-212.
Opening the Door to the Evaluation Process - A Seminar Series July-August 1983
(Australian Evaluation Newsletter) / -
Vol. 3 No. (1, October) pp 36-37
Box 6 Number 93
Citation; Australian Evaluation Newsletter, 3(1), October 1983, 36-37.
Evaluation Training Networks Starts in Victoria
(Australian Evaluation Newsletter) / Winston, J.
Vol. 3 No. (2, November) pp 6
Box 6 Number 94
Citation; Australian Evaluation Newsletter, 3(2), November 1983, 6.
ACOSS Consultation on Non-Government Welfare Sector Program Evaluation
(AES History Archive) / Parkinson, C.
1979 pp 16
Box 6 Number 95
Health Services Evaluation Seminars - Bibliography
(AES History Archive) / Southby, R. C.; Esther Chesterman
University of Sydney, Sydney, 1978 17 pp
Box 6 Number 96
Citation; Sydney: University of Sydney, 1978.
Twelve Suggested Strategies for Increasing the Probability that Research Findings will be used for framing Social Policy
(AES History Archive) / Markus, E.
undated pp 11-13
Accompanied by handwritten notes by Elaine Martin
Box 6 Number 97
Ethics in Evaluation
(Welfare in Australia) / Sutton, J.
Vol. 2 No. 10, Spring pp10-13
Response to Tubier, G. (1979) "Welfare Evaluation - An Exercise in Deceit?" Welfare in Australia 2(9) pp 12-15
Box 6 Number 98
Citation; Welfare in Australia, 2(10), Spring 1979, 10-13.
Welfare Evaluation - An Exercise in Deceit?
(Welfare in Australia) / Tubier, G.
Vol. 2 No. 9, Winter pp12-15
Box 6 Number 99
Citation; Welfare in Australia, 2(9), Winter 1979, 12-15.
What is Evaluation?
(Australian Social Welfare) / Parkinson, Clare
Vol. 8 No. March 16-19
Box 6 Number 100
Citation; Australian Social Welfare, 8, March 1978, 16-19.
Models of Program Budgeting and Evaluation in Australia
(AES History Archive) / Sharp, C. A.
undated 18 pp
Box 6 Number 101
Evaluation: Equipping Communities and Government. Some highlights and lessons from the AES 1997 International Conference
(AES International Conference, Adelaide, 1-3 October 1997) / Sharp, C. A.
1997 pp 9
includes photos, negs, misc stuff; business plan
Box 6 Number 102
Citation; AES International Conference, Adelaide, 1-3 October 1997.
Benchmarking, Performance Monitoring and Program Evaluation
(AES History Archive) / Sharp, C. A.
1997 53 pp
Submitted to: Public Productivity and Management Review. Also reworked as proposed Book Chapter - second manuscript has pp 42
Box 6 Number 103
Australasia: A Regional Profile
(AES History Archive) / Rogers, P. J.
1999 15 pp
Evaluation practice in Australia and New Zealand
Box 6 Number 104
Theory and Practice of Evaluating Government Programs: An Annotated Bibliography and Self Study Course, The
(Hospital and Health Services Commission Research Management Monograph, No. 3, April 1978) / Gross, P. F.
DSS, Canberra, 1978 No. 3 Monograph
Box 6 Number 105
Citation; Hospital and Health Services Commission Research Management Monograph, No. 3, April 1978
Adaption of Evaluation Processes in the NSW Public Sector: Paper 1: Evolution and Refinement of the NSW approach
(AES History Archive) / Lenne, B. D.
1990 pp 20
1990 AES National Evaluation Conference, Sydney
Box 6 Number 106
Interim History of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand and the Australasian Evaluation Society, An
(AES History Archive) / Sharp, C. A.; Ann Lindsay
1992 pp 64
Draft 30/6/92
Box 6 Number 107
Strategic Evaluation: Performance in the service of corporate governance
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Sharp, C. A.
Vol. 9 No. 1 & 2 pp5-24
Box 6 Number 108
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 9(1-2), 1998, 5-24.
Historical Perspectives on Evaluation project, The
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Sharp, C. A.
Vol. 3 (new series) No. 2 pp4-5
Evaluation History, Australasian Evaluation Society. Introduction to the 13 year quest by Dr Sharp and Ian Trotman (and others like Anona Armstrong, Darrel Caulley; Ralph Straton, & Jerome Winston) to preserve some of the "organisational memory" of the AES & evazluation practitioners in ANZ. see also Sharp, C.A. & Lindsay, A. 1992; and Sharp, C.A. 2003 "Development of program evaluation in Australia and the Australasian Evaluation Society - the early decades" EJA vol 3, no. 2, pp. 6 - 15
Box 6 Number 109
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 4(2) (new series), December 2004, 4-5.
Development of program evaluation in Australia and the Australasian Evaluation Society - the early decades
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Sharp, C. A.
Vol. 3 (new series) No. 2 pp6-15
The year 2003 marks the 21st year of the series of National Evaluation Conferences and international conferences as well as the 16th year of the AES. This paper is not intended as a full history, nor as a dossier of the AES per se; that is for another time and place. Rather, it seeks both to reflect on whether there is a distinctive flavour of public sector program evaluation in the antipodes, and to give an overview of how evaluation develeoped in Australia, and to a lesser extent New Zealand. This will require the opening up and examination of the historical roots of program evaluation in Australia and of some aspects of current practice. see also Sharp, C.A. & Lindsay, A. 1992; and Sharp, C.A. 2003 EJA vol 3, no. 2, pp. 4 -5.also on NZ evaluation - see Trotman, I. 2003 EJA vol 3, no. 2, pp. 17 - 26 and Chronology of key events 1918 - 1991, EJA, 2003, vol 3, no. 2, p. 16
Box 6 Number 109
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 3(2) (new series), December 2003, 6-15
Chronology of key events 1918 - 1991
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Sharp, C. A.
Vol. 3 (new series) No. 2 pp16
Box 6 Number 109
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 3(2), 2003, 16.
Reflection on a decade in the life of the Australasian Evaluation Society: 1990 - 1999
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Trotman, I.
Vol. 3 (new series) No. 2 17 - 26
Box 6 Number 109
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 3(2), December 2004, 17-26.
Ethics and standards - twelve years of mixed progress
(Evaluation Journal of Australasia) / Trotman, I.
Vol. 3 (new series) No. 2 27 - 29
see also companion 'Historical' paper in same volume by Trotman, I 2003 EJA, vol3, no 2, pp17 - 26
Box 6 Number 109
Citation; Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 3(2), December 2003, 27-29.
Interim History of Program Evaluation in Australia and New Zealand and the Australasian Evaluation Society, An
(AES History Archive) / Sharp, C. A.; Ann Lindsay
1992 pp 71
Draft 30/6/92; includes correspondence
Box 6 Number 109
Dossier: Colin Andrew Sharp / Sharp, Colin A.
2004 36 pp
Curriculum vitae, Nomination form for fellowship of AES
Box 6 Number 110
Evaluation bibliographies; Quality & Accountability
Bibliographies, pamphlet, notes
Box 6 Number 111
AES Annual General Meeting Adelaide 1991: Treasurer's Report
Box 6 Number 112
Harold Gittleson: Treasurer of AES 1986-1993
Curriculum vitae, minutes, notes
Box 6 Number 113
Anona Fern Armstrong: Foundation President of AES 1986-1990
Curriculum vitae
Box 6 Number 114
Robyn Christine Robinson, Foundation Vice-President & Secretary of AES 1986-1990
Curriculum vitae
Box 6 Number 115
Australasia: A Regional Profile
(AES History Archive) / Rogers, P. J.; Jerome A. Winston; Colin A. Sharp; Ian Trotman; Sally Faisandier
2005 15 pp
Draft 7/1/05 - for discussion purposes only within a group of co-authors
Box 6 Number 116
Implementing and integrating program evaluation into your organisational strategy / IIR Conferences
'Priority announcement'
Box 6 Number 117
Guiding relationships for 50 years
Flinders University, Adelaide, 1997 4
Elaine Martin's book on Relationships Australia
Box 6 Number 118
Citation; Flinders Journal, 8(9), June 9-22, 1997, 4.
Autonomy and Control: Basic Issues for Public Enterprises in a Competitive Environment / XXII International Congress of Administrative Sciences, 13-17 July 1992
Sub-topic F. Research Committee 5: Public Enterprises
Box 6 Number 119
Citation; XXII International Congress of Administrative Sciences, 13-17 July 1992: Sub-topic F, Research Committee 5: Public Enterprises
Privatisation in the United Kingdom: Background Briefing / United Kingdom Treasury
Treasury, London, 1990
Box 6 Number 120
Citation; London: Treasury, 1990.
Port Adelaide Centre, The: Future Directions, August 1991 / The Port Centre Project, Special Projects Unit, Dept. of the Premier and Cabinet
Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide, 1991 19 pp
Box 7 Number 121
Citation; Adelaide: Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, 1991.
Property Management Report: MFP/Port Centre Project
(Includes correspondence) / Ninio, David
Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide, 1992
Box 7 Number 122
Citation; Adelaide: Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, 1992.
Inner Harbour Waterfront Strategy: Port Adelaide Centre, June 1991 / The Port Centre Project, Special Projects Unit, Dept. of the Premier and Cabinet
Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide, 1991 71 pp
Box 7 Number 123
Citation; Adelaide: Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, 1991.
Information study in support of Port Marketing / Monarto Development Commission
Dept. of Marine and Harbours, Adelaide, 1977 71 pp
Box 7 Number 124
Citation; Adelaide: Dept. of Marine and Harbours, 1977.
Changing Models of Change for Human Service Organisations / Martin, Elaine
1991 30 pp
Submitted for publication
Box 7 Number 125
Commonwealth Performance Information Review, The: A Report-in-Progress / Mullane, Martin
1996 7 pp
Box 7 Number 126
Citation; IIR Conference: Strategic Evaluation: Making Evaluation Useful. Sydney, 13-14 February 1996.
New subscription offer / Dept. of Finance
Dept. of Finance, Canberra, 1994 6 pp
Includes list of Major Evaluation Papers Prepared by the Dept. of Finance
Box 7 Number 127
Citation; Canberra: Dept. of Finance, [1994].
AES Strategic Planning 1994/94 - originals / Australasian Evaluation Society
Box 7 Number 128
Efficiency and Effectiveness: Problems of Assessment / Walker, Neil V.
Vol. 36 No. 4 350-356
Box 7 Number 129
Citation; Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 36, no. 4, December 1977.
Evaluation: A Guide for Reviewing an Organization's Activities / SACOSS
SACOSS, Adelaide, 1978
ISSN/ISBN 0959885684 12 pp
Box 7 Number 130
Citation; Adelaide: SACOSS, 1978.
Evaluation: Recent Activities and Current Issues / SACOSS
SACOSS, Adelaide, 1978=9 12 pp
Box 7 Number 131
Citation; Adelaide: SACOSS, 1979.
Demystifying 'The Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Kit' / Chomiak, George; Peter J. Redding; Jerome A. Winston
Melbourne, Janus Research, 1979 27 pp
Box 7 Number 132
Citation; Melbourne: Janus Research, 1979.
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(5) November/December 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.5
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(4) October 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.4
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(3) September 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.3
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(2) August 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.2
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(1) July 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.1
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(8) March-April 1980
Vol. v.1 No. n.8
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(7) February 1980
Vol. v.1 No. n.7
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(6) January 1980
Vol. v.1 No. n.6
Box 7 Number 133
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 2(1) January-March 1981
Vol. v.2 No. n.1
Box 7 Number 134
Social Indicators No. 1, 1976 / Australian Bureau of Statistics
ABS, Canberra, 1976
Vol. 1 90 pp
Box 7 Number 135
Citation; Canberra: ABS, 1976
Government Financing of Non-Government Welfare Agencies 1970/71-1974/75 / Birkett, W. P.; K. Montgomery
Centre for Social Welfare Studies, Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education, Sydney, 1977 229
Box 7 Number 136
Citation; Sydney: Centre for Social Welfare Studies, Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education, 1977.
Comparing expectations and experience of public and private sector management / Stanton, Meryl
Box 8 Number 137
Citation; 54th ANZAAS Congress, 1984, ANU, Canberra.: Section 28: Industrial Relations and Organizational Studies, Wednesday 16 May 1984.
Claimants or Clients? Welfare recipients' perception of the service delivery from the Australian Department of Social Security and the Commonwealth Employment Service / Brotherhood of St Laurence
Brotherhood of St Laurence, 1975 8-9, 80-106
Recommendations and Conclusion only
Box 8 Number 138
Citation; Brotherhood of St Laurence, July 1975.
Evaluation of Broad-Aim Programs, The: Experimental Design, Its Difficulties, and an Alternative
(Administrative Science Quarterly) / Weiss, Robert S.; Martin Rein
Vol. 15 No. 1 97-109
Box 8 Number 139
Citation; Administrative Science Quarterly, 15(1), 1970, 97-105.
How clients survived Liverpool's social workers' strike / Glasser, Terry and Sandra Walklate
Vol. 11 No. 10 pp10-11
Box 8 Number 140
Citation; Social Work Today, 11(10), 1979, 10-11.
Internal evaluators as change indicators / Davey, V. R.
1990 4 pp
Box 8 Number 141
Citation; Proceedings of the Australasian Evaluation Society National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, July 1990, Vol. 2, 35-38.
Model for holistic evaluation, A. / Davey, V. R.; Pitfield-Smith, S.
1990 8 pp
Box 8 Number 142
Citation; Proceedings of the Australasian Evaluation Society National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, July 1990, Vol. 1, 85-92.
Measuring client outcomes at a community mental health centre / Anstey, T.
1986 17 pp
Box 8 Number 143
Citation; National Evaluation Conference 1986.
Client satisfaction survey as one element in evaluation, A. / Justice, Blair; George McBee
Vol. 14 No. 3 pp 248-252
Box 8 Number 144
Citation; Community Mental Health Journal, 14(3), 1978, 248-252
Correlates of consumer participation in health planning agencies: Findings and implications from a national survey / Checkoway, Barry; Thomas W. O'Rourke; David Bull
Vol. 3 No. 2 pp. 296-309
Box 8 Number 145
Citation; Policy Studies Review, 3(2), February 1984, 296-309.
Knowledge and perceptions of the social services / Glampson, Ann, Bryan Glastonbury; David Fruin
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp 1-16
Box 8 Number 146
Citation; Journal of Social Policy, 6(1), 1977, 1-16.
Clients, staff, and researchers: their role in management information systems / Weissman, Harold H.
Vol. 1 No. 1 pp 43-51
Box 8 Number 147
Citation; Administration in Social Work, 1(1), Spring 1977, 43-51.
Clients' evaluation of medical social services / Blumberg, Deborah D.; Audrey R. Ely; Anita Kerbeshian
1975 45-47
Box 8 Number 148
Citation; Social Work, January 1975, 45-47.
Criteria for evaluating project evaluation techniques / Nash, Christopher; David Pearce; John Stanley
1975 pp 83-89
Box 8 Number 149
Citation; AIP Journal, March 1975, 83-89.
Evaluation research and its use by housing designers and managers / Marans, Robert W.
University of Michigan, 1979 20 pp
Box 8 Number 150
Citation; Working Paper Series, Institute of Social Research, ISR Code Number 8014, October 1979.
Chronicle of philanthropy - copies of articles / Bailey, Anne Lowrey
Box 8 Number 151
Citation; The Chronicle of Philanthropy, various dates (inc. 1992)
Business of philanthropy, The / Cohn, Carol
1992 pp 12-21
Box 8 Number 152
Citation; Australian Accountant, April 1992, 12-21.
Is Corporate philanthropy dead in Australia? / Dumais, Max
1992 pp 13-18
Box 8 Number 153
Citation; Philanthropy, Autumn 1992, 13-18.
Corporate social investment: new forms of involvement
1992 pp 19-25
Box 8 Number 154
Citation; Philanthropy, Autumn 1992, 19-25.
Corporations' new social advocacy / Bailey, Anne Lowrey
undated 3 pp
Box 8 Number 155
Citation; No details.
Missing Link, A?: Public administration and the managerialist tradition / Wettenhall, R. L.
1984 19 pp
Box 8 Number 156
Citation; ANZAAS Conference, Canberra May 1984. Industrial Relations and Organisational Studies Section.
Meta-evaluation is not necessarily the evaluation of evaluation at all. What is needed is a defensible metatheory of evaluation / Nilsson, Neil; Donald Hogben
198? 40 pp
Box 8 Number 157
Evaluation in social welfare / Western, John S.
1980 62 pp
Box 8 Number 158
Citation; Conference on Finance of Social Welfare, December 10-12 1980, ANU, Canberra.
'Through a Glass, Darkly': commentaries / Grichting, W. L.; M. J. Smithson; and Elaine Martin
1979, 1981
Box 8 Number 159
AES History original
Box 8 Number 160
1994 Resources Guide: Management Resources for Community & Nonprofit Organisations / Cleary, Maureen (ed.)
Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management, UTS, Sydney, 1994
ISSN/ISBN 1863651241 95 pp
Box 8 Number 161
Citation; Sydney: Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management, 1994
Horizontal fiscal equalisation in Australia: economic, historical and political perspectives / Walsh, Cliff; Jeff Petchey; Julie Smith; Christine Fletcher
South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, Adelaide, 1993
Box 8 Number 162
Citation; Adelaide: South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, December 1993.
Executive leadership in the public sector: what the literature says / Wyse, Alison
1994 19 pp
Box 8 Number 163
Citation; International Graduate School of Management, University of South Australia, 1994.
Policy Organisation and Society, No. 1, Winter 1990
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1990
Box 8 Number 164
Policy Organisation and Society, No. 3, Winter 1991
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1991
Box 8 Number 164
Policy Organisation and Society, No. 5, Winter 1992
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1992
Box 8 Number 165
Policy Organisation and Society, No. 6, Summer 1993
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1993
Box 8 Number 165
Policy Organisation and Society, No. 7, Summer 1994
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1994
Box 8 Number 166
Policy Organisation and Society, No. 9, Winter 1994
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1994
Box 8 Number 166
Health outcomes in community health: seminar Monday November 22, 1993
SA Community Health Research Unit, Adelaide, 1993
Box 8 Number 167
Health Services Evaluation Seminars 1978: Report
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, 1978 68 pp
Box 9 Number 168
Citation; Health Services Research and Teaching Paper No. 4, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Australian Dept. of Health and the University of Sydney, 1978.
Health Services Evaluation Seminars 1978: Preliminary readings
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, 1978 117 pp
Box 9 Number 169
Citation; Health Services Research and Teaching Papers No. 1, Sydney: School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Dept. of Health and University of Sydney, 1978.
Evaluation of the services of the Family Services Unit at the Regency Park Centre for Physically Handicapped Children, in Adelaide, South Australia, An. / Clark, Michael S.
Box 9 Number 170
Citation; 1982.
Funding of Non-Government Welfare: Agencies Serving Disabled People in Western Australia
(SWRC Reports and Proceedings, no. 17, January 1982.) / Graycar, Adam; Wendy Silver
Social Welfare Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 1982 89 pp
Box 9 Number 171
Citation; SWRC Reports and Proceedings, no. 17, January 1982, Sydney: Social Welfare Resaerch Centre, University of NSW, 1982.
Government officers' expectations of non-government welfare organisations: a discussion paper
(SWRC Reports and Proceedings, no. 28, December 1982.) / Graycar, Adam
Social Welfare Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 1982 93 pp
Box 9 Number 172
Citation; SWRC Reports and Proceedings, no. 28, December 1982, Sydney: Social Welfare Resaerch Centre, University of NSW, 1982.
Carramar Clinic: Report on the Evaluation of a Community Mental Health Centre / Anstey, T.; A. Burgess
South Australian Health Commission, Adelaide, 1985 147 pp
Box 9 Number 173
Citation; Adelaide: South Australian Health Commission, 1985.
Budget outcome 1994-1995
(Parliamentary paper) / Baker, Stephen
Government Printer, Adelaide, 1995
ISSN/ISBN 1324-9606 70 pp
'Presented by the Hon. Stephen Baker MP, Deputy Premier and Treasurer of South Australia for the information of Honourable members September 1995: Third Session, Forty-Eighth Parliament'
Box 9 Number 174
Citation; Adelaide: Government Printer, 1995.
Evaluating Management Change: a case study / Dalglish, Carol
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1991 15 pp
Box 9 Number 175
Citation; Research Paper no. 24, August 1991, The Centre for Australian Public Sector Management. Brisbane: Griffith Univeristy, 1991.
Evaluation of the Cautionary Diversion Pilot Programme: a report for the Justice and Consumer Affairs Committee of the South Australian Government / Cloher, Dorothy
Infodec Pty. Ltd., 1990 75 pp
Box 9 Number 176
Citation; Infodec Pty. Ltd., 1990.
Public administration in the Australian evnironment: myths and cliches / Curnow, G. R.; Manning, Dianne
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 2-11
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 2-11.
Politics, neutrality and the public service / Corbett, D. C.
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 158-164
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 158-164.
Public administration as the study of bureaucracy / Parker, R. S.
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 224-231
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 224-231.
Reflections on efficiency / Spann, R. N.
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 310-313
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 310-313.
Analysis of Administration, The / Urwick, L. F.
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 321-323
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 321-323.
Case study method and the theory of organisations, The / Crombie, Alastair
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 324-331
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 324-331.
Concept of administrative style, The / Davies, A. F.
John Wiley, Sydney, 1975 pp 332-345
Box 9 Number 177
Citation; Public Policy and Administration in Australia: A Reader, ed. R. N. Spann & G. R. Curnow. Sydney: John Wiley, 1975, 332-345.
Exploratory study of some essential elements in the design of resource management systems in government, An. / Harris, A. C.
1987 41 pp
Box 9 Number 178
Citation; 1987.
Proceedings of a New Zealand seminar on project evaluation in agriculture & related fields (extracts) / Jensen, R. C. (ed.)
Lincoln College, Canterbury, 1968
Box 9 Number 179
Citation; Agricultural Economics Research Unit Publication no. 48. Canterbury: Lincoln College, 1968.
Review of evaluation studies in New Zealand agriculture & forestry, A. / Johnson, R. W. M.
Lincoln College, Canterbury, 1968 48 pp
Box 9 Number 180
Citation; Agricultural Economics Research Unit Discussion Paper no. 1. Canterbury: Lincoln College, 1968.
Review of agricultural and forestry evaluation studies in New Zealand / Orsman, W. J.; R. W. M. Johnson
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Wellington, 1973 45 pp
Box 9 Number 181
Citation; Agricultural Economics Resource Economics Section Technical Paper no. 6/73. Wellington: Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, 1973.
Evaluating Health Promotion: A Guide for Health Promotors and Health Managers / Casswell, Sally; Paul Duignan
Dept. of Community Health, School of Medicine, University of Auckland, Auckland, 1989
Box 10 Number 182
Citation; Auckland: Department of Community Health, School of Medicine, University of Auckland, 1989.
Social Program Evaluation in New Zealand / Callahan, S. J.
Dept. of Social Welfare, New Zealand, 1981 6 pp
Box 10 Number 184
Citation; Wellington: NZ Department of Social Welfare, 1981.
Evaluation of Human Services / Thomas, D. R.; Neville R. Robertson (eds)
ISSN/ISBN 0110-6740 4 pp
Front matter and first page of intro only
Box 10 Number 185
Citation; University of Waikato, 1989.
Social Program Evaluation in New Zealand
(Prepared for the New Zealand Department of Social Welfare) / Benton, B. B.
Washington, 1983
Commissioned Study
Box 10 Number 186
Citation; Washington: Human Services Division, Urban Systems Research and Engineering Inc., 1983.
Comparative extension education in Anglo-Saxon Countries with particular reference to Australia
(A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for the Degree of Doctor of Education) / Farquhar, Reginald Noel
Cornell University, 1961 170-217
Extract only
Box 10 Number 187
Citation; Cornell University, 1961.
Local Government
(Public Administration in Australia) / Atkins, Ruth
NSW Government Printer , Sydney, 1965 pp 157-190
Box 10 Number 188
Citation; Public Administration in Australia, ed. R. N. Spann, Sydney: Government Printer, 1965, 157-190.
Commissions of Inquiry in Australia: A Brief Survey / Borchardt, D. H.
La Trobe University Press, Melbourne, 1991
Extracts Only
Box 10 Number 189
Citation; Melbourne: La Trobe University Press, 1991.
Lessons from Victoria's School Improvement Plan for the Practice of Critical Self-Evaluation
(AES History Archieve) / Reeve, Pat; Ruth Hoadley; Marian Kimber
Canberra, 1987 3 Parts, pp iii+29
'Not for Citation'
Box 10 Number 190
Citation; National Evaluation Conference, Canberra, July 1987.
History of Evaluation in New Zealand, The
(AES History Archive) / Donnell, Anne
Dept. of Social Welfare, Wellington, 1992 pp 5+ii
Box 10 Number 191
Citation; Wellington: Dept. of Social Welfare, 1992.
Evolution of Program Evaluation in the New Zealand Department of Social Welfare, The
(AES History Archive) / Carson, Richard; Anne Donnell
1989 11 pp
Box 10 Number 192
Citation; 1989.
New Zealand Evaluation News 1(1) 1989 (extract) / Macky, Keith
Macky & Associates, Auckland, 1989
Vol. v.1 No. n.1 4 pp
Box 10 Number 193
Place of Evaluation in Public Sector Reform in New Zealand, The
(AES History Archive) / Sutton, Alison
Adelaide, 1995 17 pp
Includes correspondence
Box 10 Number 194
Citation; 1995.
Evaluation Review Office: Evaluating Education in New Zealand
(Evaluation News and Comment) / Aitken, Judith
Vol. 2 No. 2 pp 32-36
Box 10 Number 195
Citation; Evaluation News and Comment, 2(2), 1992, 32-36.
Evaluation in the Reformed New Zealand Public Sector
(Evaluation News and Comment) / Matheson, A.
Vol. 2 No. 2 pp 2-9
Box 10 Number 196
Citation; Evaluation News and Comment, 2(2), 1992, 2-9.
Ethically Speaking: A Role for AITEA?
(AES History Archive) / Moodie, Gavin
Melbourne, 1990 6 pp
Box 10 Number 197
Citation; 1990.
Self Evaluation in the Context of Program Evaluation: the prospects for developing critical communities in program bureaucracies (Abstract) / Kemmis, Stephen
1986 1 p
Abstract only
Box 10 Number 198
Citation; Paper presented at the Third National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, July 23-25 1986.
Brief Review of Activities - 1986 to the Present, A (The Centre for Program Evaluation, Institute of Education, University of Melbourne)
(AES History Archive) / Hurworth, R.
Centre for Program Evaluation, Institute of Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 1992
Box 10 Number 199
Citation; Melbourne: Centre for Program Evaluation, Institute of Education, University of Melbourne, 1992.
(AES History Archive) / Armstrong, Anona
Melbourne, 1979 21pp
'Course to Masters Students in Applied Psychology'
Box 10 Number 200
Public Administration: then, now and in the year 2000
(Australian Journal of Public Administration) / Encel, S.
Vol. 47 No. 3 233-240
Box 10 Number 201
Citation; Australian Journal of Public Administration, 47(3), 1988, 233-240.
Australian Social Research Association - Letter to members, 27 March 1987. / Lazarus, Geraldine
Australian Social Research Association, Melbourne, 1987 4 pp
Letter and forms
Box 10 Number 202
Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration (extracts) / Coombs, H. C.
AGPS, Canberra, 1976
ISSN/ISBN 0642018561
Extracts only
Box 10 Number 203
Citation; Canberra: AGPS, 1976.
Centre for Australian Public Sector Management: Research and Seminar Programme 1992-1993 (extracts) / Centre for Australian Public Sector Management
Griffith University, Brisbane, 1992 pp 1-6, 9-10
Box 10 Number 204
Citation; Brisbane: Griffith University, 1992, 1-6, 9-10.
Guidelines for the Evaluation of TAFE Programs
(Guidelines for the Evaluation of TAFE Programs, May 1982.) / Bell, Malcolm
Tafe Services Victoria, Melbourne, 1982 37 pp
Box 10 Number 205
Citation; Melbourne: TAFE Services Victoria, 1982.
Comparative Agricultural Extension
(Australian Agricultural Extension Conference Melbourne 1962) / Farquhar, R. N.
CSIRO, 1963 pp 114-123
Box 10 Number 206
Citation; Australian Agricultural Extension Conference, Melbourne 1962, 114-123
Extension Work with Rural Women
(Australian Agricultural Extension Conference Melbourne 1962) / Foskett, Nancy M.
CSIRO, 1962 pp 123-127
Box 10 Number 206
Citation; Australian Agricultural Extension Conference, Melbourne 1962, 123-127.
Agricultural Economics and the Development of Extension Work in Australia
(Australian Agricultural Extension Conference Melbourne 1962) / Rowe, A. H.
CSIRO, 1962 pp 300-304
Box 10 Number 206
Citation; Australian Agricultural Extension Conference, Melbourne 1962, 300-304.
Rationale for Curriculum Evaluation, A
(Curriculum Research and Evaluation: Proceedings of the Conference on Curriculum Evaluation and an Occuptional Survey Approach) / Kuhl, D. H.
Adelaide, Department of Further Education, South Australia, 1977 pp 1-36
Box 10 Number 207
Citation; Curriculum Research and Evaluation: Proceedings of the Conference on Curriculum Evaluation and an Occuptional Survey Approach, 11-13 November 1977, 1-36.
Evaluation as a Social Process
(Australian and New Zealand Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 1977) / Western, J.; D. Gibson; C. Bain; M. Gibbings; G. Lupton; J. Najman; S. Payne; J. Ryan; P. Sheehan; M. Sheehan; B. Smithurst
ANZSERCH, North Adelaide, 1977
ISSN/ISBN 0155-2694 pp 167-172
Box 10 Number 208
Citation; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health, North Adelaide: ANZSEARCH, 1977, 167-172.
AES Membership List, January 1992
(AES Membership List, January 1992) / -
Vol. Australasian Evaluation Society Report
Box 10 Number 209
Citation; Australasian Evaluation Society, 1992.
Australasia: A Regional Profile
(AES History Archive) / Rogers, P. J.; Jerome A. Winston; Colin A. Sharp; Ian Trotman; Sally Faisandier
Box 10 Number 210
Australasia: A Regional Profile
(AES History Archive) / Rogers, P. J. and colleagues
1999 15 pp
Draft 7/9/99 - for discussion purposes only within a group of co-authors
Box 10 Number 211
Useful Evaluations: A Practical Guide / English, Brian; Margaret Stockton
Public Sector Management Office, Perth, 1995
Box 10 Number 212
Citation; Perth: Public Sector Management Office, Ministry of the Public and Cabinet, 1995.
Reviewing Government Organizations: Summary of Remarks Presented to the Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference
(Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference Melbourne 1992) / Shand, D. A.
1992 pp 6
Box 10 Number 213
Citation; Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference Melbourne 29/7/1992
Adaption of Evaluation Processes in the N.S.W. Public Sector: Paper 2: Application of Evaluation Processes in the Department of Consumer Affairs in Advisory, Policy, Regulatory Programs
(National Evaluation Conference, Canberra, ACT 1987) / Kelly, J.; H. Cleland; F. Buckeridge; S. Dixon
Dept. of Consumer Affairs, Sydney, 1987 36 pp
Box 10 Number 214
Citation; National Evaluation Conference, Canberra, ACT, 29 - 31 July 1987, Paper 2. Sydney: Dept. of Consumer Affairs, 1987.
Use and Impact of Evaluation Findings by Decision Makers, The: Four Australian Case Studies / Ferguson, Cecile
1987? 19 pp
Case study.
Box 10 Number 215
Citation; Sydney: School of Education, Macquarie University, (n.d. - 1987?)
Workshop on Evaluation of Human Services
(Workshop) / Martin, E. M.
Adelaide, 1984
Program, notes, handouts, bibiographies
Box 10 Number 216
Citation; Workshop, Adelaide, 18 February 1984.
From Programs to Systems: Implications for Program Evaluation Illustrated by the Community Mental Health Centers Program Experience
(Evaluation and Program Planning) / Windle, C. W.; J. Richard Woy
Vol. 6 pp 53-68
Box 10 Number 217
Citation; Evaluation and Program Planning, 6, 1983, 53-68.
Flowchart for Evaluation in Service Organizations, A
(Australian Social Work) / Martin, E. M.
Vol. 35 No. 2 pp 23-31
Box 10 Number 218
Citation; Australian Social Work, 35(2), June 1982, 23-31.
Review of Science in New Zealand: Research on Arable Crops and Other Plants, A
(Science Review No. 4, 1992) / Science Review Division
Ministry of Research, Science and Technology, Wellington, 1992 58 pp
Box 10 Number 219
Citation; Science Review No. 4, Wellington: Ministry of Research, Science and Technology: Te Manatu Putaiao, 1992.
ERS Newsletter 6(2), Summer 1982. / Evaluation Research Society
Evaluation Research Society, Ann Arbor, 1982 8 pp
Box 10 Number 220
Politician's Role in the Evaluation Process, The
(Australian and New Zealand Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 1977) / Baume, Peter
ANZSERCH, Adelaide, 1977
ISSN/ISBN 0155-2694 pp 173-179
Box 11 Number 221
Citation; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health, 1977, 173-179.
Leaders in Management: a 50 Year History (extract) / Fogarty, John
Australian Institute of Management , Melbourne, 1992
ISSN/ISBN 0858570483 18 pp
1st 2 Chapters only
Box 11 Number 222
Citation; Melbourne: Australian Institute of Management, 1992
Approach to the Evaluation of TAFE Institutions, An: (extract)
(An Approach to the Evaluation of TAFE Institutions) / Byrne, M. J.; D.J. Houston; P. Thompson
Dept. of TAFE, Adelaide, 1984
ISSN/ISBN 0812-4469
Chapters 1 and 2
Box 11 Number 223
Citation; Adelaide: National Centre for Research and Development Ltd & SA Department of TAFE, 1984.
Brief history of evaluation in Australia and the Australasian Evaluation Society / Sharp, Colin A.; Anona Armstrong; Darrell Caulley; Jerome Winston
1991? 8 pp
Box 11 Number 224
AES - Publications and EJA Policy / AES
2003 6 pp
'Doug's draft (6th March 2003)'
Box 11 Number 225
Continuum of care at the Macpherson Centre: Interviews with carers and referrers / Millard, Margaret
Presbyterian Support Services (Northern), New Zealand, 1994 27 pp
Box 11 Number 226
Citation; New Zealand: Presbyterian Support Services (Northern), 1994.
Performance Indicators - a workshop manual / Calvert, Valerie; Frances Bray
Dept. of Finance and Public Service Board, Canberra, 1986
Box 11 Number 227
Citation; Canberra: Dept. of Finance and Public Service Board, 1986.
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 2(2) April-June 1981
Vol. v.2 No. n.2
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 2(3) July-September 1981
Vol. v.2 No. n.3
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 2(4) October 1981 - June 1982
Vol. v.2 No. n.4
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 2(5) July-September 1982, October 1982-1983
Vol. v.2 No. n.5
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 3(2) November 1983 - February 1984
Vol. v.3 No. n.2
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 3(3) March - June 1984
Vol. v.3 No. n.3
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 2(1) January-March 1981
Vol. v.2 No. n.1
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(1) July 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.1
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(2) August 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.2
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(3) September 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.3
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(4) October 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.4
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(5) November/December 1979
Vol. v.1 No. n.5
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(6) January 1980
Vol. v.1 No. n.6
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(7) February 1980
Vol. v.1 No. n.7
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter 1(8) March-April 1980
Vol. v.1 No. n.8
Box 11 Number 228
Australian Evaluation Newsletter, Index to Vols 1 and 2
1983 9 pp
Box 11 Number 228
Interim History - Consultation on 1992 paper / Sharp, C. A.
Feedback re AES/Evaluation history
Box 11 Number 229
Photographs - AES Conference 1993; FUSA 1992
Box 11 Number 230
Meta-evaluation: ethics and standards 1988-1993 / Bannister, Barry J., Sharp, C.A.
various articles
Box 11 Number 231
Australasian Evaluation Society Incorporated Board Report 1997
1997 10 pp 10 pp
Box 11 Number 232
Evaluation and organisational change - fact or fiction and how do we really know?
(National Evaluation Conference 11-13 July 1990) / Crooke, Alison
1990 13 pp
Box 11 Number 233
Skills and knowledge profile for auditors and performance evaluators / Bannister, Barry; McClure, Barry.
Water Board, Sydney, 1989 11 pp
Box 11 Number 234
Auditing evaluation activities / Hudson, Joe; McRoberts, Hugh A.
Sage Publishers, Beverley Hills, 1984 18 pp
Box 11 Number 235
Citation; In: Rutman, L. (ed) 1984. Evaluation Research Methods: A Basic Guide, 2nd edition. Beverley Hills: Sage Publications. pp219-236
Evaluation: Making performance count
(Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference) / Australian Evaluation Society; Aitken, Judith E.; Bartos, Stephen; McNamara, Michael; Wilson, Brian; Conroy, Denise
Road Traffic Authority, NSW; Prisons
Box 12 Number 236
Australasian Evaluation Society Confernces 1991 (Melbourne); 1992 (Adelaide) / Australasian Evaluation Society
correspondence with respect to conferences; some articles; admin stuff; SA Regional Group matters
Box 12 Number 237
Evaluation - you can't manage without it.
(Sydney July 11-13) / Australasian Evaluation Society; Sharp, C.A. Australasian Evaluation Society
Various papers; conference admin Various papers. Conference admin
Box 12 Number 238
Challenges for evaluation in the year ahead
(Gold Coast July 19-21) / Australasian Evaluation Society; Sharp, C.A. Australasian Evaluation SocietyAustralasian Evaluation Society; Sharp, C.A. Australasian Evaluation SocietyAustralasian Evaluation Society; Sharp, C.A. Australasian Evaluation Society; Sharp, C.A.
Some papers; considerable admin stuff
Box 12 Number 239
Australasian Evaluation Society Conference - theme not identified
(Canberra July 29-31) / Australasian Evaluation Society
Various papers
Box 12 Number 240
Evaluation and the public sector manager
(Canberra July 29-31) / Australasian Evaluation Society
Folder 1 of 2
Box 13 Number 241
Evaluation and the public sector manager
(Canberra July 29-31) / Australasian Evaluation Society
Folder 2 of 2
Box 13 Number 242
Resignation letters / Richard Elvin and Colin Sharp
Box 13 Number 243
Annual Reports 1996/7; 2002-2003 / Australasian Evaluation Society
some other admin material included here
Box 13 Number 244
The Changing role of regional offices in the 90's: an evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.
Department of Finance, 1990 54 pp
includes "Introduction to the series and overview"
Box 13 Number 245
Citation; Department of Defence. 1990. The changing role of regional offices in the 90's: An evaluation. Department of Finance
Evaluation of commonwealth funded programs / Senate standing committee on community affairs; Alister Sands
Commonwealth Parliament, Canberra, 1994 90 pp
Box 13 Number 246
Citation; Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs. 1994. Evaluation of Commonwealth Funded Programs. Canberra: Commonwealth Government pp90
New requirements and guidelines for program evaluation
(Strategic Management Brief) / Bester, Angela; Office of Public Management, NSW
Office of Public Management, Sydney, 1991
ISSN/ISBN 1034-3385 No. n.5 20 pp
Box 13 Number 247
Citation; Bester, A. 1991. New requirements and guidelines for program evaluation. Sydney:Office of Public Management. pp20.
Performance indicators / Australasian Evaluation Society
some papers but much miscellany, including transparencies
Box 13 Number 248
Ethics and Standards in evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.; Australasian Evaluation Society
Many papers supporting main research including faxes and other misc; split over two folders
Box 14 Number 249
Guiding Principles; Research Ethics; Ethics in Evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.; Australasian Evaluation Society
correspondence; CASP review
Box 14 Number 250
Ethics and standards in evaluation; informed consent / Sharp, Colin A.; Winston, Jermone
code of ethics draft etc
Box 14 Number 251
Ethics; professionalism / various
business, corporate ethics, newspaper clippings and other misc
Box 15 Number 252
Code of Ethics; Ethics conference / various
Miscellany associated with ethics conference
Box 15 Number 253
Ethics and standards in evaluation / various
Miscellany associated with ethics conference; much correspondence
Box 15 Number 254
Introductory seminar on evaluation / Sharp, C. A. (notes of)
Evaluation training network
Box 15 Number 255
Credibility of Evaluators: the case for accreditation / Armstrong, Anona
1995 14 pp
includes reveiw comments
Box 16 Number 256
Ethics and standards in evaluation / Sharp. Colin
Miscellany used to present at seminar including overheads and so on
Box 16 Number 257
Notes / Committee on ethics and standards in evaluation
Misc notes, TAFE code of research practice, bibliography (20+ copies)
Box 16 Number 258
Evaluation - does it make a difference? / Australasian Evaluation Society
Admin/Misc notes; Philip IT Upfront magazine; Jerry Winston resume
Box 16 Number 259
Evaluation - does it make a difference? / Australasian Evaluation Society; Keliher, D.; Conway, L. et al.; Powrie, S.
Keynote address: Review & evaluation in the Qld Public sector. Macroeconomic evaluation model; performance monitoring.
Box 16 Number 260
Strategic evaluation: Performance in the service of corporate governance
(Evaluation theory and practice) / Sharp, Colin A.
ISSN/ISBN 1035-719X
Vol. v.11 No. n.1
Also: Editorial - "Is there a distinctive Australasian evaluation tradition?" by John Dewar Wilson from v9 EJA
Box 16 Number 261
Citation; Sharp, C.A. 1999. Strategic evaluation: Performance in the service of corporate governance. Evaluation Journal of Australia 11:5-24.
Computers for Evaluators
(Evaluation training network) / Australasian Evaluation Society
Box 16 Number 262
Evaluation Dissemination: Who reads this stuff anyway? / Sharp, Colin A.
overhead transparencies; history; Journal business plan
Box 16 Number 263
Editorial and miscellaneous notes / Australasian Evaluation Society
Editorial board meetings; evaluation journal discussions; marketing plan; minutes
Box 16 Number 264
Evaluation and the non-profit sector / Patton, Michael Quinn
Reflections on practice; Sharp's editing and comments
Box 16 Number 265
A new guide to evaluation of community crime prevention programs
("Evaluating Community Safety - A Guide") / Sharp, Colin A.
Box 16 Number 266
Evaluation Journal of Australiasia / Australasian Evaluation Society
Notes for contributors; Journal's demise; issues and problems; self evaluation report; reflections on practice
Box 16 Number 267
New Zealand Visit / Sharp, Colin A.
Intinerary; resume of Colin Sharp; potential presentations; program evaluation in New Zealand; photographs & negatives
Box 16 Number 268
Strategic Plan; AES Database / Australasian Evaluation Society
Meeting minutes; Draft discussion paper on evaluation standards
Box 16 Number 269
Benchmarking, service standards, performance auditing; / Australasian Evaluation Society
2 folders; public sector; non-profit organisations
Box 17 Number 270
Co-ordination and service delivery in health, housing and community services
(Reforming the Public Service (exact details not known)) / Hamilton, Stuart
pp 73-87
policy co-ordination; structures and systems; changes; hidden issues
Box 17 Number 271
A Model for best practice in client service in the public sector / APS 2000 Research Program
1993 No. n.72 pp 59-74
some of appendix missing
Box 17 Number 272
Citation; Australian Public Service. 1993. A Model for best practice in client service in the public sector. Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration 72: 59-104
Service quality initiatives in OECD member countries / Shand, David (Principal administrator, secretariat of public managment committtee, OECD)
1994 27 pp
Symposium at OECD, Paris, 7-8 Nov
Box 17 Number 273
How 'the goverment performance and results act' borrows from the experience of OECD countries / Breul, Jonathan C.
Centre for Australian Public Sector Management, Griffith University, 1994 12 pp
Fulbright symposium on public sector reform, 23-24 June 1994
Box 17 Number 274
Benchmarking or the search for industry best-practice: a survey of the Western Australian public sector
(Public sector management forum) / Frost, Frederick A.; Pringle, Amanda
Vol. 52 No. 1 pp 1-11
Box 17 Number 275
Citation; Frost, F.A. and Pringle, A. 1993. Benchmarking or the search for industry best-practice: a survey of the Western Australian public sector. Australian Journal of Public Management 52:1-11.
Benchmarking / Sharp, Colin A. (mostly)
c. 1994
overheads from presentation; International best practice
Box 17 Number 276
Best Practices Report: An analysis of management pratices that impact performance
(International Quality Study) / Ernst & Young/American Quality Foundation
Ernst & Young, New York, 1992 48 pp
Box 17 Number 277
Benchmarking and evaluation in the "third sector" / Talbot, Chris and Sharp, Colin
1994 8 pp
ANZTSR Conference
Box 17 Number 278
Citation; Talbot, Chris and Sharp, Colin. 1994. Benchmarking and evaluation in the "third sector". ANZTSR Conference 1994.
What is best practice?
(Feature) / Anon
1995 No. Feb pp 12-16
Box 17 Number 279
Citation; Anon. 1995. What is best practice? The Australian Banker. February 1995.
The challenge of best practice / Carnegie, Sir Roderick
Vol. 17 No. 3 pp 6-16
Box 17 Number 280
Citation; Carnegie, R. 1994. The challenge of best practice. Australian Health Review 17:6-16.
Best practice and workplace reform / Lansubury, Russell
Vol. 17 No. 3 pp 17-28
Box 17 Number 281
Citation; Lansubury, R. 1994. Best practice and workplace reform. Australian Health Review 17: 17-28.
Best practice and enterprise bargaining / Carnegie, Jane
Vol. 17 No. 3 pp 37-46
Most of us have heard of 'best practice' but what does the term really mean and how is it being applied in the health sector? Is there a relationship between best practice and enterprise bargaining? What are teh key issues which this industry must address to ensure best practice approaches can be successfully applied?
Box 17 Number 282
Citation; Carnegie, J. 1994. Best practice and enterprise bargaining. Australian Health Review 17: 37-46.
The public sector in the year 2000 - building on the reforms / East, Paul (Minister of state services - NZ)
Opening address
Box 17 Number 283
Who benchmarks the benchmarkers? / Salvaris, Michael
1994 No. 1 pp 50-56
Box 17 Number 284
Citation; Salvaris, M. 1994. Who benchmarks the benchmarkers? Just Policy 1: 50-56.
The blurring of the sectors: private management, public mistake?
(Vanishing Borders: the managerial challenges) / Johnston, Judy
School of Managemement, Faculty of Business, University of Technology Sydney, Broadway, 1994 25pp
As the fiscal situation for governments, globally, has become increasingly tight so public sectors have sought ways to manage their resources on a value for money basis. The private sector has been held out as an exemplary role model for the public sector which has adopted many of the management techniques used by the private sector to pursue a market niche, or competitive advantage. Accordingly, as implementation has progress in the public arena so the delineation between the two sectors has become increasingly blurred. Yet the efficacy of these management approaches and the arguments about similarity have been challenged by academics working in the pbulic administration or management field. Sometimes referred to as the fad or fashion approach to public management the private sector techniques such as quality management, strategic management and business process reengineering have largely failed to deliver what was promised. Whether the private and public sectors are similar enough to share the same management techniques will be explored in this paper. using local and international case study material the paper will also examine to what extent the borders between private and public sectors continue to vanish
Box 17 Number 285
Citation; Johnston, J. 1994. The blurring of the sectors: private management, public mistake? ANZAM 94 Conference proceedings. 25pp.
Towards benchmarking SA local government / Hope, David
Skilmar Systems for the Local Government Association of SA, Brompton, 1994 4pp + App
statistical overview; August 1994
Box 17 Number 286
Citation; Hope, D. 1994. Towards benchmarking SA local government. Skilmar Systems for the Local Government Association of SA
Corporate services benchmarking study of the public sector
(An administrative / overview document) / Deloitte, Touche and Tohmatsu Management Consultants
Deloitte, Touche and Tohmatsu Management Consultants, 1993
draft 14 oct 1993
Box 18 Number 287
Benchmarking and best practice in Australia: Progress in the top 500 enterprises / Macneil, Johanna; Rimmer, Malcolm; Testi, Jonathon
National Key Centre in Industrial Relations, Monash University, c. 1992 32pp
Box 18 Number 288
International best practice: report of the overseas study mission / Department of Industrial Relations & Australian Manufacturing Council
Box 18 Number 289
Consolidate, Innovate, Expand / Australasian Evaluation Society
Administrative material related to conference 2001
Box 18 Number 290
Using evaluation to build organisational strengh / Australasian Evaluation Society, WA Branch
Selected papers; Perth; September
Box 18 Number 291
Organizational diaganosis in benchmarking and evaluation / Sharp, Colin A.
ET&S Award night; 2 copies
Box 18 Number 292
Evaluation of organisational learning: an organisational culture consistency meter?
(International Evaluation Conference, Canberra) / Sharp, Colin A.
training; staff values
Box 18 Number 293
Organisational diagnosis: a necessary form of programme evaluation
(Australasian Evaluation Society. International conference 1993 - Brisbane) / Sharp, Colin A.
philosophy; anthropology; medical diagnosis analogy;
Box 18 Number 294
Are theories of organisational learning necessary? Surfacing the dilemma of an "International Learning Race"
(Australia and New Zealand academy of management conference, Victoria University of Wellington) / Sharp, Colin A.
1994 26pp
Box 18 Number 295
Towards and evaluative culture: making performance count
(12th AES International conference) / Sedgwick, Steve (Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Defence)
1994 17pp
Box 18 Number 296
New directions for South Australia's economy / Little, Arthur D.
1992 20pp
Box 18 Number 297
Update of program evaluation: South Australia. How can evaluation stay afloat in a troubled sea of reforms?
(Evaluation News & Comment) / Sharp, Colin A.
Vol. 4 No. 1 pp18-22
public sector; turbulent change; corporate memory loss; also pre-publication copies; rough notes
Box 18 Number 298
Citation; Sharp, Colin A. 1995. Update of program evaluation: South Australia. Evaluation News & Comment 4(1): 18-22.
Industry best practice benchmarking in the evaluation context
(South Australian Public Forum on Benchmarking) / Sharp, Colin A.
1994 17pp
Box 18 Number 299
Overview of approaches to evaluation
(Program evaluation in the public sector, Sydney 6 & 7 April 1992) / Caulley, Darrel
1992 13pp
Box 18 Number 300
Charting the way forward, improving public sector performance / Commission of audit
South Australian Government, Adelaide, 1994
ISSN/ISBN 0730805980
public finance; appropriation; expenditure; auditing; chapters 4-7 + contents
Box 18 Number 301
Citation; Commission of Audit. 1994. Report: Charting the way forward, improving public sector performance. Adelaide: South Australian Government
The reality of administrative reform in South Australia
(Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration) / Radbone, Ian
1988 No. 57 pp50-59
Government management and employment act
Box 18 Number 302
Citation; Radbone, I. 1988. The reality of administrative reform in South Australia. Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration 57: 50-59.
Service standards: a strategy for improving service performance
(AIC conference: perfomance management. Canberra, 26 August 1993) / Vardon, Sue & Walker, Helen
1993 22pp
Box 18 Number 303
Customer satisfaction survey / New Focus Pty Ltd
New Focus Pty Ltd, Adelaide, 1994 36pp
Report 1: Executive report. WorkCover Corporation
Box 18 Number 304
Citation; New Focus Pty Ltd. 1994. Customer satisfaction survey. Report prepared for WorkCover Corporation. Adelaide: New Focus Pty Ltd
Review of the work of the ERU / Monks, Susan & Ince, Rosemary
Education Department, Adelaide, 1993 25pp + appendix
Box 18 Number 305
Citation; Monks, S. & Ince, R. 1993. Review of the work of the ERU. Adelaide: Education Department of South Australia.
Revitalising South Australia: A vision for the public sector / Vardon, Sue
Office of Public Sector Reform, Adelaide, 1992 17pp
for consultation, 4 copies
Box 18 Number 306
Developing evaluation concepts and skills
(Goal attainment scaling; Outcome measures as performance indicators) / Sharp, Colin A.; Sharp & Bauldestone, J.
Australasian Evaluation Society, Adelaide, 1997
2 papers from syposium theme 6. International conference
Box 19 Number 307
National Evaluation Conference 1988 / Australasian Evaluation Society
Box 19 Number 308
Correspondence & Minutes / Australasian Evaluation Society
Australasian Evaluation Society, Adelaide, 1988-1999
Box 19 Number 309
A training kit on evaluation concepts and methods, developed by and for rehabilitation staff / Sharp, Colin A.; Winston, Jerome; Bhagwandas, Ranjit
Australasian Evaluation Society, 1988 14pp
1986 conference?
Box 19 Number 310
National Evaluation Conference 1986 / Australasian Evaluation Society
Australasian Evaluation Society, 1986
3 copies
Box 19 Number 311
Evaluation: equipping communities and government
(International Conference) / Australasian Evaluation Society
Australasian Evaluation Society, 1997
Call for submissions; delegate list; sample docs; conference evaluation; Pollitt resume, budget documents; Upfront featuring Jerome Winston
Box 19 Number 312
Program management newsletter / Queensland Treasury
Issues 5 & 6; Queensland branch newsletters (3)
Box 19 Number 313
Evaluation for a new century: a global perspective / Canadian/American Evaluation Societies
Box 19 Number 314
Community health accreditation and standards program / Australian community health association (Alison Sinclair - coordinator)
Box 19 Number 315
Miscellaneous / Australasian Evaluation Society
Newsletters, correspondence, 1992 mailing lists; reimbursement for phone bills 1995; Regional group notes.
Box 19 Number 316
Organising committee notes of meetings / NEC 91 Organising committee
Australasian Evaluation Society, Adelaide, 1991
National conference meetings
Box 19 Number 317
Notes / Sharp, Colin A.
AES 1997 Conference
Box 19 Number 318
Evaluation Conference / Sharp, Colin A.; Australasian Evaluation Society
Correspondence; Sponsors sought etc
Box 19 Number 319
Major restructure of Department for Education and Children's Services / Robert Lucas
Press release about Education Review Unit
Box 19 Number 320
Public service evaluation program / Sharp, Colin A.
To Peter Crawford in support of program
Box 19 Number 321
Evaluating a training and development program in evaluation - some reflections / Dunn, J.G.
Evaluating a course that teaches evaluation
Box 20 Number 322
Public sector reform / Public sector evaluation program / Sharp, Colin A.; Australasian Evaluation Society
c. 1993
Concerns over discontinuation of evaluation strategy and the efforts of Rosemary Ince
Box 20 Number 323
Membership Directory / Australasian Evaluation Society
Australasian Evaluation Society, 1997
Box 20 Number 324
Evaluation Journal of Australia / Australasian Evaluation Society
c. 1999
Concerns and correspondence surrounding the continuation of the journal
Box 20 Number 325
Strategic Planning AES / Australasian Evaluation Society
Workshop materials; visions; constitution; correspondence
Box 20 Number 326
Miscellaneous / Australasian Evaluation Society
Buget issues 94; meeting reports; Sponsorship request from Zimbabwe; 1993 annual conferences forward planning committee; 1993 Treasurer's report
Box 20 Number 327
AES Constitution / Australasian Evaluation Society
Box 20 Number 328
In Psych / Australian Psychological Society
ISSN/ISBN 0157-9517
Vol. 19 No. 4
+ 3 copies from J about conference organisation etc
Box 20 Number 329
Evaluation: Making performance count / Australasian Evaluation Society
Admin & meeting notes for 1994 conference; minutes conference planning committee; conference evaluation
Box 20 Number 330
Publications committee / Sharp, Colin A.
Miscellaneous notes regarding meetings from 1994
Box 20 Number 331
Managing the business of government (a strategic approach) / Treasury - Perth
The Treasury, Perth, 1991 37pp + 4 + appendix
Chart about policy framework included
Box 20 Number 332
Human resource management in the Australian National Audit Office / not stated
1996 38pp
source of this document not clear
Box 20 Number 333
Evaluation Journal of Australasia / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, 1990
ISSN/ISBN 1035-719X
Vol. 2 No. 3
includes costings, editorial comments, submission criteria; correspondence from panel members
Box 21 Number 334
Towards a world class public sector / Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia
National conference; general documents
Box 21 Number 335
AES News / Australasian Evaluation Society
June & October 1996
Box 21 Number 336
Miscellaneous documents / Australasian Evaluation Society
Business plan 95-96; Committee member dutes; Budget 98-99; Notificiation of AGM 98; Financial statement June 1998; 96 conf budget; death of Elaine Martin
Box 21 Number 337
Evaluation History / Australasian Evaluation Society
Endnote Printout; Letter to Gillian Dooley
Box 21 Number 338
Corporate services benchmarking study
(South Australian Public Sector) / Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu (Management Consultants)
Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu, Adelaide, 1994
V1 Executive summary; V2 Financial management; V4 Information technology. No V3 & 5.
Box 21 Number 339
AES documents / Australasian Evaluation Society
Weblinks; Training courses aust wide; Correspondence with ABC news Keith Conlon; Ethics & standards; Society objectives; learning; concept mapping
Box 21 Number 340
Evaluation in the private sector - lessons for social evaluators / Alford, Geoff
includes consideration of health programs; origin not clear
Box 21 Number 341
Pre-conference documents / Australasian Evaluation Society
Prelim documentation for 1989; 91; 93; 95; 98
Box 21 Number 342
Report on the AES 1995 annual conference, Sydney / Conference Organising Committee
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Sydney, 1996
conference planning; debriefing report; 2 copies
Box 21 Number 343
Conference evaluation report of the 1996 AES Conference, Wellingtion, NZ / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Wellington, 1996
Evaluation of success of this conference; 2 copies
Box 21 Number 344
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1990 / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, 1990
ISSN/ISBN 0-7305-7812-7
Two volumes
Box Number 345
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1991 / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, 1991
ISSN/ISBN 0-646-06175-5
Two volumes
Box Number 346
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1992
(Evaluation: making it work) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Melbourne, 1992
ISSN/ISBN 0-646-10341-5
Two volumes
Box Number 347
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1993
(Evaluation: does it make a difference?) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, 1993
ISSN/ISBN not provided
one vol
Box Number 348
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1994
(Evaluation: making performance count) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Adelaide, 1994
ISSN/ISBN not provided
one vol - 2 copies
Box Number 349
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1995
(Evaluation: Are you being served?) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, 1995
ISSN/ISBN not provided
two volumes
Box Number 350
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1997
(Evaluation: Equipping communities and government) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Curtin, 1997
ISSN/ISBN 0-646-34087-5
Box Number 351
Proceedings of the National Evaluation Conference 1998
(Evaluation: Investing in our future) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, 1998
ISSN/ISBN 0-9586101-0-X
two volumes
Box Number 352
Proceedings of the First National Evaluation Conference
(Developments in Australian evaluation research and practice) / Australasian Evaluation Society
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Melbourne, 1982
ISSN/ISBN 0-86839-006-2
Compiled by Anona F Armstrong
Box Number 353
Readings on Evaluation
(SOAD9307: Management of change and evaluation in human services) / Martin, Dr Elaine
Flinders University, Adelaide, 1999
Box Number 354
Australian Health Ministers' Conference
?, ?, 1978 203pp
Held at Melbourne Feb 8-10, 1978. Confidential
Box Number 355
Evaluation: Australasian Evaluation Society 1997 International Conference / Armstrong, Anona; Foley, Pat (Prepared by)
Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, 1997
Evaluation of actual event.
Box Number 356
Australia: Health Facts 1979 / Southby, R.McK.F.; Chesterman, E.
University of Sydney, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, 1979
ISSN/ISBN 0-909513-05-8 223pp
teaching paper; vital statistics
Box Number 357
Citation; Southby, R.McK.F. & Chesterman, E. 1979. Australia: Health Facts 1979. Sydney: University of Sydney, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Evaluation and performance auditing: An historical perspective
(Consolidate, Innovate, Expand - The International Conference) / Barrett, Pat
ustralasian Evaluation Society, Canberra, 2001 33pp
Box 22 Number 358
Citation; Barrett, P. 2001. Evaluation and performance auditing: An historical perspective. Canberra: Consolidate, Innovate, Expand - The International Conference, pp33.
Government organisational review: Alternative strategies
(International accountants in government convention) / Weller, Patrick
1991 8pp
Box 22 Number 359
Citation; Weller, P. 1991. Government organisational review: Alternative strategies. International accountants in government convention. 8pp.
Information paper on Councils, Boards of Health & Community Health Services / Advisory Committee on Boards of Health
South Australian Health Commission, Adelaide, 1978 110pp
2 copies
Box 22 Number 360
Citation; Advisory Committee on Boards of Health. 1978. Information paper on Councils, Boards of Health & Community Health Services. Adelaide: South Australian Health Commission.
Discussion paper on Councils, Boards of Health & Community Health Services / Advisory Committee on Boards of Health
South Australian Health Commission, Adelaide, 1979 25pp
Box 22 Number 361
Citation; Advisory Committee on Boards of Health. 1979. Discussion paper on Councils, Boards of Health & Community Health Services. Adelaide: South Australian Health Commission.
Report of the Committee on community development and assistance / Committee on community development and assistance
Premier's Department, Adelaide, 1978 65pp
Box 22 Number 362
Citation; Committee on community development and assistance. 1978. Report of the Committee on community development and assistance. Adelaide: Premier's Department. 65pp.
Evaluation of Primary Health and Medical Care in Australia / Douglass, R.M.
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, nd 141pp
Box 22 Number 363
Citation; Douglass, R.M. nd. Evaluation of Primary Health and Medical Care in Australia. Adelaide: University of Adelaide
Promoting Health: prospects for better health throughout Australia / Beard, Dr. Trevor C.
Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1979
ISSN/ISBN 0-642-04431-7 66pp
Discussion paper
Box 22 Number 364
Citation; Beard, T. C. 1979. Promoting Health: prospects for better health throughout Australia. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
Towards a nationally integrated health - welfare system for Australia / Court, Michael
Royal Institute of Public Administration, Brisbane, 1977
ISSN/ISBN 0-909800-11-1 47pp
public welfare
Box 22 Number 365
Citation; Court, M. 1977. Towards a nationally integrated health - welfare system for Australia. Brisbane: Royal Institute of Public Administration.
Audit and evaluation: the Canadian experience
(Program evaluation in the public sector conference, Sydney) / Dr Micheal Ryan
Draft speaking notes, not for quotation
Box 22 Number 366
Indicators of community well-being / Vinson, T. & Homel, R.
Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1976 70pp
social security
Box 22 Number 367
Citation; Vinson, T. & Homel, R. 1976. Indicators of community well-being. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
National award for performance evaluation's "hot gospeller" / Anon
Vol. 9 No. 3 5-6
upfront; Phillip Institute of Technology; Jerome Winston
Box 22 Number 368
Reflexive watchdogs? How supreme audit institutions account for themselves / Pollitt, Christopher & Summa, Hilkka
Blackwell Publications, 1997
Vol. 75 313-336
Box 22 Number 369
Citation; Pollitt, C. & Summa, H. 1997. Reflexive watchdogs? How supreme audit institutions account for themselves. Public Administration 75: 311-336.
Health care cost control / South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association Inc.
South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association Inc., Adelaide, 1979
ISSN/ISBN 0-9595648-2-9 78pp
One day national symposium; Mutual health association; Australian Medical Association
Box 22 Number 370
Citation; South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association Inc. 1979. Health care cost control. Adelaide: South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association Inc.
Towards and evaluative culture: making performance count / Sedgwick, Steve
Draft speaking notes; keynote address; 12th AES international conference
Box 22 Number 371
Performance auditing in the Australian federal public sector / Parker, Lee D. & Guthrie, James D.
Discipline of Accounting and Finance, Flinders University, Adelaide, 1991 37pp
Box 22 Number 372
Citation; Parker, L. D. & Guthrie, J. D. 1991. Performance auditing in the Australian federal public sector. Research Paper 5/91. Adelaide: Discipline of Accounting and Finance, Flinders University
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