The Jacobi Collection comprises of working files assembled by Mr. Ralph Jacobi whilst he was the member for Hawker in the House of Representatives, from 1970 until 1987. The collection consists of 3 shelves of archive boxes and a shelf of books from Mr Jacobi's professional collection.
Topics include foreign affairs, politics and human rights in the Middle East including the Balfour declaration. Material on politics and foreign relations in Southern Africa, maritime law, River Murray and the Murray-Darling Basin, Roxby Downs, Bougainville, Minerals and Energy, Accounting standards and banking and East Timor.
Go to the Jacobi Collection in findit@flinders. (Add additional search terms in the search box to search within the collection)
General conditions of access apply.
Folder name | Contents | Box Number |
A.L.P. - Hawker Ladies Committee - Minutes 1972-82 | Committee minutes for 1972-82 | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
A.L.P. - Hawker Ladies Committee - Cash book | Cash book for 1980-92 | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
A.L.P. - Hawker Ladies Committee - Minutes 1982-88 | Committee minutes for1982-88 | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
A.L.P. - Hawker Ladies Committee, 1986 | Bank statements and committee financial statements for the year ended 30th April 1986 | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
A.L.P. - Hawker Ladies Committee, 1988 | Bank statements and committee financial statements for the year ended 14th April 1988 | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
A.L.P. - Hawker Ladies Committee, 1989 | Bank statements and committee financial statements for the year ended 30th April 1989 | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
A.L.P. - Minutes | Sub-branch minutes and (state?) AGM minutes 1974-79 | 7 - Hawker ALP minutes |
A.L.P. - Sub-branches | Member lists, correspondence, minutes | 2 - Hawker fundraising |
Accounting - Standards - Audit | Newspaper clippings, Hansard, articles. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Advisory committee | Photos of Advisory Committee | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
Archives | Miscellaneous correspondence, newspaper clippings, Hawker Ladies cheque books | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
Archives - National Personal - Records 2001 | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, brochures about the Australian Archives. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Atomic power - Diffusion plants | Newspaper clipppings, press release | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Atomic power - Jervis Bay | Newspaper clippings, reports, handwritten notes | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Aust. law reform commisssion | Law Reform Commission discussion papers (1979-1984), correspondence | 1 - Sundry |
Aust. sports museum | Newspaper clippings, press releases | 1 - Sundry |
Australian M.D.B - Feb 2001 | Newspaper clippings, correspondence | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Balkans. | Newspaper clippings, articles, extracts. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Bankruptcy | Hansard, newspaper clippings, correspondence. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Banks, Bankers | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, extracts. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Barings Bank - Nick Leeson | Newspaper cuttings | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Basin: M.D.B. draft material | Handwritten notes, correspondence, draft reports, articles, newspaper clippings | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Basin: Murray Darling material-corres. | Correspondence, handwritten notes, articles, reports, newspaper clippings, 'Our country, our future: statement on the environment' (Bob Hawke), Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre triennial report 1990-93, the algal management strategy:summary (19) | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Bouganville copper project I | Reports, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings | 14 - Bouganville |
Bouganville copper project II | Newspaper clippings, articles, press releases | 14 - Bouganville |
Bouganville copper project III | Newspaper clippings, article | 14 - Bouganville |
Bouganville copper project IV | Newspaper clippings, article | 14 - Bouganville |
C.S.I.R.O. | Article, notes, House of Representatives questions (1982), Report of the CSIRO review of water resources research | 6 - CSIRO/River Murray |
Cap : Review: M.D.B. Commission Aug. 2000 | Review of the operation of the cap : including the four companion papers (draft and full, ISBN 187630050) | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Company law: speeches/papers | Correspondence, articles, newspaper articles | 1 - Sundry |
Constitution - Convention - Speeches | Convention Proceedings, newspaper clippings, correspondence. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Constitution - Samuel - Menzies - Opinions | Correspondence, lecture notes, memoranda, extract from Phillip Game papers | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Corporate Crime - Report - Clifford - Speech | Hansard, Congress papers | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Correspondence - Hawker | Miscellaneous correspondence re Hawker | 2- Hawker fundraising |
CSIRO | CSIRO Land and water : science for a sustainable future (ISBN 0643060731) | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Darling | Articles, newspaper clippings, press release, 'Water management in the Murray-Lower Darling Rivers: where to for the 21st century?' (Murray & Lower Darling River Management Board) | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Delaware River Basin Commission | Newspaper clipping, correspondence, conference transcript, reports | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Deregulation | Hansard, correspondence, clippings, book extract, committee minutes | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Dismissal - 1975 | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, Novar papers | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Drugs: correspondence & speeches | Correspondence, articles, speeches, article drafts | 1 - Sundry |
East Timor - Portuguese Timor | Newspaper clippings (Kissinger), DISR submission, 'Secrets of State' | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Education - M.D.B. | Newspaper clippings, correspondence, thesis exerpt, "Special forever: feedback from schools" | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Edwardstown Young Labor Association - Minutes | Minutes of meetings (Dec 1969 - April 1972) | 7 - Hawker ALP minutes |
Foreign investment Cos. | Newspaper clippings | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Foreign Overseas Investment Committee | Correspondence, articles, treasury papers, notes | 16 - Minerals |
French N-tests | International court of justice papers, background papers | 16 - Minerals |
Freshwater Bill | Speech, notes on the future of the River Murray Commission (1981), notes, Institute of freshwater studies (notes, 1981 ; draft proposal, 1983), articles | 6 - CSIRO/River Murray |
Freshwater Bill (1984) | SA Govt. submission to Institute of Freshwater Studies | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Freshwater Bill - Nov. 88 | Murray-Darling Basin management ministerial meeting 1985, AWRAC update (no. 7, 1990), Water Research Foundation of Australia newsletter (no. 269, 1986), press releases (minister of Water Resources), articles, Water News (no.2, 1987) | 6 - CSIRO/River Murray |
Great Artesian Basin | Newspaper clippings, background and draft papers | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Hawker 1969 Election Results | Correspondence (two copies of same letter) | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Hawker campaign file | Campaign flyers, personal details of Elizabeth Harvey | 3 - Hawker campaign file |
Hawker fundraising | Melbourne Cup and Great Eastern sweepstakes, 'Club 200', miscellaneous financial details | 2 - Hawker fundraising |
Hawker Young Labor Association | Report of secretary and financial statements,1972-75 | 7 - Hawker ALP minutes |
Hawker Young Labour Association - Finances | Receipts and statements, 1972-74 | 7 - Hawker ALP minutes |
Hayden - Button - Richardson - Jacobi | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, 'Andrew Hacker'. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Impact - Science | Background papers, notes | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
Industry & Technology Committee | Articles, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Institute Freshwater Studies | Handwritten notes, articles, Bill for an Act, newspaper clippings, press release, speeches, constitutional conference papers, | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Insurance | Notice of question, notes, Life Insurance Amendment Act, | 1 - Sundry |
Kurds - Middle East | Thesis, National Geographic article and photos | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Loans Affair (Frank Crean). | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, Treasury minutes, articles on compulsory voting. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
M.D.B. Proposal - national approach | Handwritten notes, proposal draft, newspaper clippings, background notes | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Mid-East oil - Press cuttings | Newspaper clippings, articles | 14 - Bouganville |
Mineral & Energy speeches | Hansard copies, articles, press releases, Acts, newspaper clippings, correspondence | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Minerals & Fuel | Articles, drafts, newspaper clippings, notes | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Minerals - Petroleum Search Subsidies | Notes, article drafts, parliamentary paper | 16 - Minerals |
Mining | 'Surface mining and our environment', 'Mining taxation: a review', articles, newspaper clippings | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Muray Darling Basin Commission | Publications, background notes, articles, draft agreement, House of Representatives statements, newspaper clippings, hansard photocopies | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Murdoch - Press - Media Ownership | Correspondence (to PM Hawke) | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Murdoch press | Correspondence, article | 1 - Sundry |
Murray Darling Assoc. - personal honours | Photos, correspondence, 'Riverlander notes' | 11 - M.D. Basin |
Murray Darling Basin: mat., proposal | Newspaper clippings, articles, handwritten notes, draft papers | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Murray speech mat. | Correspondence, handwritten notes, background papers, articles, draft articles, newspaper clippings, hansard photocopies, draft questions for the House | 10 - M.D. Basin |
Murray-Darling Basin - Ministerial council | Agenda papers & breifing notes 1987 | 13 - Folder |
Murray-Darling Basin constitutional problems | Newspaper clippings, articles, correspondence | 12 - M.D. Basin |
National service - Vietnam | Correspondence, newspaper articles, speeches, notes | 1 - Sundry |
NCA (National Crime Authority) | Correspondence, reports, newspaper articles, draft articles | 1 - Sundry |
Nuclear power - Environment | Parliamentary paper, article preprints, newspaper clippings | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Nuclear: Aromic Papers | Speech notes, articles, conference proceedings, background papers | 16 - Minerals |
P.N.G. Torres Strait | Newspaper clippings, hansard exerpts, Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Sub Committee on Territorial Boundaries: The Torres Strait Boundary, Report and Appendices | 14 - Bouganville |
Passport Act - Amendment 1979 | Hansard, newspaper clippings | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Press clippings - Mines & energy | Articles, drafts, newspaper clippings | 15 - Minerals & Energy |
Press cuttings - Election material '87 | 8 - Press statements/cuttings | |
Press cuttings - R. Jacobi | Cuttings which refer to Jacobi, 1979-91 | 8 - Press statements/cuttings |
Press statements | Press releases, many tagged for the "Messenger" newspapers | 8 - Press statements/cuttings |
Privatisation | Correspondence,Hansard, newspaper clippings | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Publicity | Correspondence, newspaper articles | 8 - Press statements/cuttings |
Questions | Draft and copied parliament questions | 1 - Sundry |
Questions, Parliamentary | Hansard, Notice Papers, newspaper clippings | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Revaluation | Press release, correspondence | 14 - Bouganville |
River Murray | Articles, background papers, draft reports, hansard photocopies, House of Representatives questions, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings | 11 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray - ALP policy | Telexes, report | 11 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray - Boundary dispute | Newspaper clippings, correspondence, notice of questions (House of Representatives), hansard photocopies, articles, handwritten notes | 11 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray - History | Newspaper articles, correspondence, article drafts and notes, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre annual report 1986/87, Murray-Darling Basin natural resources management strategy draft, Waterlink (no. 6, 1990) | 6 - CSIRO/River Murray |
River Murray - Papers | Newspaper clippings, House of Representatives questions, press releases, 'Water pollution in Austrlia: report from the Senate Select Committee on Water Pollution' (1970), Legislative research service reports | 11 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray - Press clippings | Articles, newspaper clippings, press releases | 11 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray Basin | River Murray Commission publications, "Murray-Darling Basin : ecologically sustainable irrigation?" (Parliamentary Research Service, Research paper no. 30 1994/95) | 12 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray Bills | Hansard photocopies, Proposal for an institute of freshwater studies: report of interim council, the Bill, newspaper clippings, correspondence, notes | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
River Murray correspondence | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs | |
River Murray master plan SA | Murray Darling catchment: integrated management plan, press release | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
River Murray speech | Reports, notes, background papers, correspondence, speech drafts | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
River Murray waters agreement | 'The River Murray waters agreement: peace in our time?' (Adelaide Law Review, v.9), 'The legal and administrative implications of the hydrological cycle and water-related resources facing the 21st century' (Water International, v.4(4), 1979) | 10 - M.D. Basin |
River Murray waters speech | Hansard photocopies, background notes, articles, newspaper clippings | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
Salaries - Company Directors | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, address to Business Awards Luncheon, Cameron on 'white collar crime' | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Salinity - 1 | 13 publications | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Salinity - 2 | Correspondence, seminar paper, reports, articles, newspaper clippings | 12 - M.D. Basin |
Sandford Clark | Interview transcript, articles/reports by Sandford Clark, correspondence | 11 - M.D. Basin |
Singapore - Malaysia | Extracts, newspaper clippings, memoirs | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Speech - Water research council | ||
9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs | ||
Speech - Water research statement | Speech, background notes | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
Speeches - 1970, 1971, 1972 | Mostly copies from Hansard | 4 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1970-1977 | Typed parliament speeches | 5 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1972. | Hansard. | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Speeches - 1973, 1974, 1975 | Mostly copies from Hansard | 4 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1976, 1977 | Mostly copies from Hansard | 4 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1978-1979 | Mostly copies from Hansard | 4 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1980 | Mostly copies from Hansard | 4 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1981 | Mostly copies from Hansard | 4 - Speeches |
Speeches - 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1985, 1987, 1990 | Mostly copies from Hansard. Only one speech from 1990 | 4 - Speeches |
St. Mary's - Minutes | ALP sub-branch minutes 1979-83 | 7 - Hawker ALP minutes |
Statute Law | Correspondence, hansard | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Superior Court Bill (July 1974) | Hansard | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Superior Court speech | Copy of speech made to the House of Representatives 24th July 1974 | 1 - Sundry |
Taxation - Speeches | Correspondence, Hansard, newspaper clippings | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
U.S. - Oil, Energy | Press clippings, articles | 14 - Bouganville |
W.E.L. (Women's Electoral Lobby) - women's lib | Correspondence, newspaper articles, articles | 1 - Sundry |
Water - Palestine - Ministerial (Correspondence) | Correspondence, Harpers magazine article | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Water - Questions | Newspaper clippings, articles, press releases, House of Representatives questions | 11 - M.D. Basin |
Water 2000 | Report, background notes | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
Water supply to Roxby Downs | Parliamentary library report | 9 - River Murray Bills/Roxby Downs |
Wealth - Press cuttings | Newspaper clippings, correspondence | 11 - M.D. Basin |
White Collar Crime - Costigan | Frank Costigan lecture | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
Young Labor Contingent | Minutes, financial statements, photos, 1965-67 | 7 - Hawker ALP minutes |
Zionist - Balfour Declaration - Palestine | Extracts from 'The Rape of Palestine', British Foreign Policy documents, and other extracts | Filing Cab. 39 - bottom drawer. |
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